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Last week Egypt’s newly elected president Dr. Mohammed Morsi hosted US secretary of state Hillary Clinton who was hackled by Egyptian people in streets.

Last week, Morsi also paid his first foreign visit to pro-USrael Saudi Arabia where he met Crown Prince Salman ibn Abdel-Aziz and discussed re-opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Yesterday, Morsi hosted Palestinian Authority’s president Mahmoud Abbas whose mandate expired in January 2009 but has been kept in his position by the US, Israel and the EU. Today, Morsi is due to meet Hamas leader political chief Khaled Meshal. Morsi has pledged to change Egypt’s policies from those of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, who preferred the Western-backed Fatah of Abbas and saw Hamas as a threat. Abbas and Mashaal may meet in Cairo Thursday, said Hamas spokesman Ezzat al-Rishiq.

Mahmoud Abbas has accepted Dr. Ahmadinejad’s invitation to attend the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran in August. This will be Abbas first ever visit to Iran which supports his rival Hamas. Dr. Morsi, who is the current president of NAM, is being pushed by Washington not to attend the summit.

Interestingly, two jewish journalists, American Jeffrey Blankfort and Israeli Larry Derfner have called Mahmoud Abbas “an Israeli agent”.

“Mahmoud Abbas is arguably the most extraordinary the double agent in the Middle East…. Most of what he does for Israeli and the US masters he does in plain sight,” Jeffrey Blankfort.

“Abbas, Fayyad and the PA are not the Palestinians’ leaders; they never were, except for maybe last September when Abbas gave his UN speech. I don’t know what lesson the Israeli leadership thinks it’s taught the Palestinians by its treatment of their putative president and prime minister, but I think I can guess what lesson the Palestinians are learning: Playing ball with Israel will not get them independence, just humiliation. Actually, though, the Palestinians have evidently known this for awhile. It’s the rest of the world that’s starting now to understand the game,” wrote Larry Derfner.

All these activities, have generated great concern in Tel Aviv and among its western poodles, who worry that Morsi is ready to embrace the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“For more than 30 years, Egypt under Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak viewed Iran’s revolutionary Islamic leadership as a threat, and relations between the two regional competitors were characterized by hostility and a severing of diplomatic relations. Now, the West and its allies want to know if Egypt’s new Islamist leadership will try to reverse that state of affairs and embrace Iran. Certainly Tehran has sensed an opportunity to make a new friend and ally,” wrote Patrick Martin in Canadian daily ‘Globe And Mail’ on July 16, 2012.

Morsi spreads his presidential wings | Rehmat calling