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How some of Arab Sunni rulers stoop to please their western masters? Qatar’s pro-USrael ruling Thani family is one of the cases in point. Qatar has funded Salafi-Wahabi armed gangsters in Libya against Libyan leader Qaddafi last year. The Thani family has loaned its Al-Jazeera network to demonize anti-Israel leaders, such as, Qaddafi, Ahmadinejad, Sheikh Nasrallah, al-Maliki and Bashar al-Assad. Thani family even tried to bribe Taliban to live in peace with US-NATO occupation in Afghanistan

Currently, the Thani family along with its Wahabi Saudi family is bankrolling rebels in Syria - who have killed tens of thousands of Shia Alawites, Sunnis and Christians soldiers and civilians. Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the ‘Axis of Evil’ are desperately fighting the ‘Axis of Resistance’ (Syria, Hizbullah and Iran) in order to install a pro-Israel regime in Damascus and isolate the country from the Islamic Republic.

Not only Qatar is involved in supplying arms and money to the armed foreign insurgents in Syria – it’s also offering bribes to high-ranking Syrian officials in return for their defections. Fars News Agency has reported that Thani family has allocated $300 million for this purpose. I few months ago, Qatar promised Hamas leaders $250 million to move their head office out of Syria.

Qatar’s latest ‘bribe for defection’ case involved Syrian ambassador to Mauritania, Hamad Seed Albni, who was offered one million dollar in advance , a monthly salary of $20,000 over 20 years and a permanent residence in Doha – as a reward for his defection and voicing support for the rebels.

Hamad Seed Albni reportedly rejected Qatari offer, calling it a “blatant interference” in Syria’s affairs and warned not to come up with such initiatives anymore.

In March 20o9, Mauritania’s government gave Zionist entity 48 hours to close-down its 10-year-old embassy in Nouakchott and its staff to leave Mauritania.

However, some others did not have the moral courage to reject such offers. Diplomats representing Syria in the United Arab Emirates and Iraq, Abdel Latif al-Dabbagh and Nawaf al-Fares, quit their posts and so did the country’s former Prime Minister Riyad Hijab.

The agenda of the ‘Axis of Evil’ was spilled out by Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon on Friday. He predicted that the western post-Assad plan calls for the fragmentation of Syria into Alawite, Sunni, Druze and Kurd provinces. He added that a similar fate is awaiting for Lebanon in the near future. Ayalon ruled out the possibility of the emergence of an Arab alliance that would stand in opposition to Israel in the next 10 to 15 years.

After their internal instability, the Arab countries will realize the importance of cooperating with Israel,” boasted Ayalon.

Syrian diplomat: ‘My soul is not for sale’ | Rehmat's World