SA minister support for BDS, irks Jewish Lobby


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South Africa’s deputy international relations minister, Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim, has thrown his support behind the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign by discouraging South Africans from visiting the Zionist entity due to later’s inhuman policies against native Palestinians and for refusing to obey international forums (UN, UNHR, etc.) rulings against it.

“Because of the treatment and policies of Israel toward the Palestinian people, we strongly discourage South African from going there – and any South African company from having anything to do with strengthening the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories“.

South Africa Israel Public Affairs Committee’s David Hersch critized Ebrahim’s statement claiming that South Africa seems to have lost its status as a ‘peace-maker’ between the Zionist regime and its Palestinian victims.

South Africa under White colonial rule was Israel’s strongest African ally. However, since the end of White apatheid rule, it’s trying to distance itself from the Zionist regime.

Former leader of Natal Indian Congress, Ebrahim Ismail Ebrahim (born 1937) was sentenced to 20 year in prison in 1989 for treason by the White Afrikan regime. However, in February 1991 Ebrahim was released after the Appellate Division ruled that the courts had no jurisdiction to try him because of his abduction from Swaziland.

Ebrahim Ebrahim is ANC Muslim leader along with Professor Fatima Meer and Achmad Cassiem . Achmad Cassiem, now an Islamic scholar and supporter of Islamic Iran – as a 17-year-old boy spent some years with Nelson Mandela at the notorious Robben Island. Like Bishop Tutu, Imam Achmad Cassiem is also great supporter of Palestinian cause. Once he said: “It is immoral, irrational, it is obscene for an oppressor to tell the oppressed how they should respond to oppression“.

Professor Fatima Meer (August 12, 1928 – March 12, 2010) is the biographer of of Nelson Mandela, ‘Higher Than Hope’, and a former professor at the University of Natal.

South Africa is home to estimated 80,000 Jews. The jewish community wielded great power under the former White apatheid regime.

On the other hand, Muslim make 2 per cent of coutry’s total population of 40 million.

SA minister support for BDS, irks Jewish Lobby | Rehmat calling