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This year, three women are nominated to receive the annual Free the Slave Award. Two of them, Timea Nagy and Josefa Condori Quispe, are former sex-slaves from Canada and Lima – and Ruth Vilela, a former secretary of Brazil’s anti-slavery SWAT squad. Started in 2008, the annual awards salute individuals who had significant impact on slavery both within the United States and elsewhere, and on the response of Americans and others’ to slavery around the world. Their spirit continues on through the individuals and generations they brought to freedom, and today’s abolitionists who are inspired by their legacy.

The traffiking of women and children for sex-slavery and forced labour is the second fastest-growing industry in the world after the drugs and weapons. Ironically, the so-called the ‘civilized West’ leads in all the three criminal enterprises.

According to 2007 report from the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking – the human-trafficking is a $31.6 billion industry involving 27 million slaves around the world. The US and Britain are world’s top abusers of children. In 2007, UNICEF reported both the US and Britain being the worst places for children to live among the industrialized nations. Last year, the Family Research Council, reported that each year, 100,000 American children are victimized by sex traffickers. “Analysts say the number of children sexually exploited in the US or at risk of being exploited is between 100,000 and 300,000,” The Washington Times, April 23, 2011. On April 3, 2012 – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) claimed that human smuggling and trafficking is a big business in Canada.

In June 2011 – the US report on human trafficing painted a grim picture of country’s only ‘trusted ally’ in the Middle East, by saying: “Israel is destination-country for men, women subjected to forced labor, sex trafficing,” quoted Israeli daily Y-net on June 28, 2011. The Jewish sex victims were among the 14,000 domestic labor brought in from Thailand, China, Nepal, Phillipines, Sri Lanka, India, Romania and other East European nations. These foreign workers have to pay Israeli recruiters; fees ranging between $4,000 to $20,000 each to work in Israel. When some of them are not able to make the payment, they become an easy targets to Jewish pimps.

In October 2001, the US invaded and occupied Afghanistan, mainly for the revival of drug harvesting. The UNODC World Drug Report 2011, ranked Iran first among all countries in shutting down drug routes into its territory. This year, Iran’s first vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi, while addressing a UN-sponsored conference commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Tehran; claimed that Zionists control international drug trade.

The drug trade is worth over $400 billion annually and affects more than 250 million people around the world. According to UNODC 2010 report, “the United States is a major drug consuming nation“.

In 2011, the United States sold arms worth $66.3 billion or 75% of global arms market, to its Arab puppet regimes. Oh! before some bigot calls me an ‘anti-Semite’ – the Zionist entity which receives an annual $3 billion military aid from the United states – sold $7.1 billion worth arms to China, India and African nations.

Ignoring the Zionists’ anti-Islam propaganda – Islam has nothing to do with the modern day human traffiking and sex slavery. Islam prohibits all kinds of slavery and concubinage. The Islamic societies were completely cleansed off human slavery within 100 year of the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) death in 633 AD. This was achieved through a gradual process to abolish the institution of slavery because of social conditions prevalent in Arabia at that time.

‘Free the Slaves’ Award 2012 | Rehmat's World