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British journalist and broadcaster, Lauren Booth (born Sarah Booth, July 22, 1967), reverted to Islam in late 2010. Even before her newly found faith, she supported Palestinian resistance against the Zionist-Jewish occupation of historical Muslim-majority Arab Palestine. In March 2012, Lauren Booth visited Gaza and the West Bank after three years. Read the story of her trip, here. Also watch a video below in which she talks about her journey to Islam and her views on Palestine.

Lauren Booth once asked a very poor mother in Gaza why she had so many children? “We need at least seven children to each family here,” the mother responded. “Why? Because at least two will be killed by Israeli soldiers. Two more, will be imprisoned by Israelis for a long time or crippled by Israeli rockets. Two may be lucky to receive education, leave Palestine and never return. Which leaves only one child to look after us in our old age“.

In May 2011, Lauren Booth along with Alan Hart, Gilad Atzmon and Karl Sabbagh spoke at London panel debate on ‘Jewishness and Israeli criminality‘. The debate which was scheduled to be held at University of Westminster Campus - but was cancelled due to threats of disturbance, from UK based Zionist militants.

Lauren Booth who is a talk-show host at Iran’s Press TV, hold Palestinian VIP passport given to her by PA prime minister Ismail Haniya.

Lauren Booth: ‘Journey to Islam and Palestine’ | Rehmat's World
