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Abraham Foxman, the head of the New York-based Israeli lobby group ADL, has heavily criticized the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters for publishing a photo of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a pose that looks like ‘heil Hitler’, the Nazi salute. Foxman told the Jewish Daily Caller, “I think it’s ugly, disgusting and offensive“.

A spokesperson from AP has defended the agency’s decision to publish the photo, saying they’re “among a wide variety of Netanyahu during his speech – 27 in all – that were taken and distributed by AP“.

The Nazis used to raise their right arms while saying, ‘heil Hitler’. Netanyahu’s photo, however, shows him raising his left arm! But we all know how the Zionists feel uncomfortable with something which reminds them their collaboration with Nazis in the past.

Interestingly, AP is owned by Reuters (est. 1851), which is owned by Jewish Rothschild family along with two other Western top news agencies; Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany and Hava (est. 1835) in France. All these news agencies have history of fabricating lies to demonize the Muslim world.

On September 30, an Iranian media court indicted Reuters’ chief in Iran, Parisa Hafezi, for “propaganda and spreading lies“ in a video story about women training in martial arts. Her report contained sensational headline, “Thousands of female Ninjas train as Iran’s assassins“. Last year, Hafezi was honored by the International Womens Media Foundation with its ‘Courage in Journalism Award’ for risking her life to propagate lies about the Islamic Republic. Read Keith Johnson’s article on this lie here.

In June 2010, Helen Thomas was tricked by Rabbi David Nesenoff to make her historical statement and as the result was forced to resign. Her coveted front-row center seat in the White House Briefing Room was awarded to the Associated Press for helping to demonize pro-Palestinian Helen Thomas.

Netanyahu does ‘heil Hitler’ salute | Rehmat's World