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Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Paris as part of his campaign to gather western support for his dream of a regime change in Tehran. Netanyahu, as expected from a professional liar, told Paris Match magazine on Tuesday that An Israeli attack supported by the US and UN will be good for the Arab world.

“Iran is not popular in the Arab world, far from it, and some governments in the region, as well as their citizens, have understood that a nuclear armed Iran would be dangerous for them, not just for Israel,” said Netanyahu.

On October 8, Qatari institute, Arab Center for Research and Political Studies, released the results of its poll taken in September 2012 among 12 Arab countries. The majority of 16,173 people who took part in the poll – said Israel is the greatest threat to peace in the region followed by its backer the United States.

Netanyahu met French President François Hollande (both Hollande and his ex. common-law wife of 22 years claim they’re non-practicing Jews ) in Paris on October 31. Both talked about situation in Syria and how to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. According to UK’s daily Guardian – Hollande rejected Netanyahu’s push for a military action against the Islamic Republic.

“It’s a threat that cannot be accepted by France,” Hollande warned Netanyahu.

British government has also told Washington that it could not rely on the use of British bases in Ascension Island, Cyprus, and Diego Garcia for an assault on Iran as pre-emptive action would be illegal.

Elliott Abrams, a Zionist Jew and former US National Security Council Advisor, who was convicted for lying to Congress – wrote in the CFR’s magazine (May 14, 2012) that Hollande will not follow “France’s tough position on the Iranian nuclear program“.

The newspaper also reported on Wednesday that US military commanders have warned their Israeli counterparts that any action against Iran would severely limit the ability of the American forces in the region to provide military support to Israel attack on Iran by cutting off vital logistical support from Gulf Arab allies.

US naval, air and ground forces are dependent for bases, refuelling and supplies on Gulf Arab rulers, who though, dislike the rising Iranian influence in the region but also fear that an Israel-Iran war will boost the Arab democratic process against the western puppet regimes.

There are also unofficial reports that Barack Obama, if re-elected, plans to resolve the US-Iran nuclear dispute despite pressure from Jewish lobby groups.

Currently, US and Israel forces are conducting the largest joint military drill code name ‘Austere Challenge 2012′ involving 3500 US and 1000 Israeli armed personnel. They’re checking their ability to work together against Israel’s regional enemies (Iran and Hizballah). According to Israeli Channel 10, a stimulate drill based on a possible war with Hizballah or Iran – proved that Israel Occupation Force (IOF) is not capable of defeating any one of those two. The three-week long ‘Austere Challenge 2012′ is expected to cost close to a billion dollar to American taxpayers.

France rejects Bibi’s push for attack on Iran | Rehmat's World