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Israeli daily Jerusalem Post reported on November 27 that “billboards on three major junction roads in Gaza, featuring depiction of Fajr 5 missiles fired at Israel, express gratitude to Iran“.

The billboards show ‘Thank You Iran’ written in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian languages. The posters also show the picture of an Iran-made long-range Fajr 5 rocket which was fire-tested at West Jerusalem and Tel Aviv by pro-Iran Palestinian resistance group Islamic Jihad during the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza enclave. Interestingly, while doesn’t have diplomatic relation with 5 out of 193 UN member states, over 65 states don’t recognize Israel’s existence.

Iranian-born Israeli Jewish expert on Middle East, Meir Javedanfar, wrote at Israeli hasbara organ Al-Monitor (November 22) that though the Islamic Republic provided rockets, missiles and technical know-how to Gaza resistance groups – the “Gaza War Was Not Iran’s War“. He also claimed that admission by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Chief Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari for supply Fajr 5 to Gazans would make easy for Israel to further isolate Iran from the international community. Ironically, the Chief Rabbi of UK, Lord Sack admitted on BBC during the 8-day war that Israeli war on Gaza was meant for Iran.

“Iranian rockets struck at Tel Aviv. They reached out to Jerusalem. Therefore it was our duty to thank those who helped our people,” Khader Habib, a senior official with the resistance group Islamic Jihad told Reuters news agency.

“We have distinctive, good relations with Iran and such a relationship will continue as long as Iran supports the Palestinian people and backs up the resistance,” he added.

The Zionist entity launched an air offensive on Nov. 14 killing about 170 Palestinians, more than half of them civilians. The fight ended in a cease-fire last Wednesday, after only six Israeli Jews were killed.

During the eight-day conflagration, the Iranian speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani, said Iran was “honored” to have provided Gaza with military aid. Following the ceasefire, both Hamas political Guru Khaled Meshaal and the Islamic Jihad chief Ramadan Abdullah Shallah thanked the Islamic Republic for arms, funding, and moral support.

On Wednesday, Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said that the first shipment of the Islamic Republic’s humanitarian aid for Gaza is ready to be sent to the coastal strip.

Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi told reporters on Wednesday that he has asked his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Kamel Amron’s permission to visit Gaza via Rafah crossing.

Gazans say ‘Thank You Iran’ | Rehmat's World