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Rami Abdel Rahman, the founder-director of London-based Srian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), claimed on the week-end that president Bashar al-Assad’s regime has put together a new paramilitary force of men and women, some trained by key ally, Islamic Republic, to fight a guerrilla war against the rebels.

Last year, Rami Abdel Rahman admitted on London-based Arabic satellite channel al-Hiwar that he was a Syrian-born British citizen with real name – Ossama Suleiman.

On January 2, 2013, Clay Callborne quoted United Nations saying that 60,000 people have killed in Syrian conflict on Jewish website Daily Kos. SOHR has claimed total death to be 32,000, while independent foreign reporters say the figure is less than 20,000 – mostly killed by the armed rebels.

I don’t know which figure is based on facts – but blaming Iran for training guerrilla force is ridiculoua, considering Iranian military has no experience in this field. If Rami Abdel Rahman had named Hizballah for the guerrilla training – it would have made more sense. Because even Jewish army Generals have admitted that it was Hizballah fighters’ guerrilla tactics which defeated 30,000 Jewish soldiers during the 34-day war in 2006.

The SOHR which is quoted as the Jewish Bible (OT) by all major western propaganda outlets, such as, BBC, CNN, FoxNews, Al-Jazeera, etc. – is in fact a propaganda project of British Foreign Office. It receives funds from various Zionist-sponsored NGOs based in United States and Britain, such as, Jewish billionaire George Soro’s ‘National Endowment for Democracy’, which is linked with CIA, Jewish Israel advocacy group ‘Open Society Institute’ and Ford Foundation, to name a few.

I don’t see any reason why Syrian allies within the “Axis of Resistance” (Iran, Iraq and Hizballah) should not train and arm Iraqis fighting against the rebels and insurgents who are armed, trained and finance by the “Axis of Evil” (US, France, Britain, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other) anti-resistance nations. According to a leaked Saudi memo, Riyyadh has sent death-row inmates to fight along with the Syrian rebels. British daily Sunday Times reported on December 9, 2012 – that after looking for a “smoking gun” in Iran earlier this year, Israeli special forces are now “tracking” Syria’s “stocks of chemical and biological weapons”. Readers would remember, Israeli forces did a similar “search” in Iraq in 2003 – and still have not found Iraq’s stocks of WMDs.

Smoking Gun: Iran trains pro-Assad guerrilla force | Rehmat's World