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The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reported on Wednesday that Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama’s nominee for the post of Secretary of Defense has done “Teshuvah” (Repentance) over his “no war on Iran” earlier stand. According to JTA, Hagel met a delegation from pro-Israel Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations including AIPAC, ADL and AJC on January 18, 2013. During the meeting, Chuck Hagel assured the paranoid Zionist Jews that he fully stand behind president Obama’s stand on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

“They discussed Hagel’s commitment to US-Israel relationship, including his determination to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb, to maintan Israel’s qualitative military edge, and to sustained Obama administration’s unprecedented security cooperation with Israel,” reported JTA.

Imam Khomeini put a stop to Iran’s nuclear program in 1980. The program was the brainchild of the US, France and Israel in the 1960s. Imam Khomeini declared nuclear-weapons against the teachings of Islam. The Supreme Leader, Ayatullah Ali Khamenei has always supported Imam’s ruling on WMDs. Furthermore, nuclear-weapons have not helped the US, USSR or Israel to defeat their enemies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza. However, Iran’s supporters suggest that Iran, like North Korea, must produce a few nuclear bombs as “deterrent” to keep US-Israel bullies in their cages.

On January 13, Doyle McMacnus qouted Israel-Fister Zionist Jew Dennis Ross at LA Times, saying: “Hagel was very clear that he believes we can’t live with an Iran which has nuclear-weapon capability“. Ross’ “wish” seems to be beyond Obama’s agenda reported in the media in the past. In fact, there are over a dozen countries (Brazil, Canada, Japan, Argentia, South Africa, Sweden, Australia, etc), which Washington admits have achieved nuclear-weapon capibility.

For the record, Chuck Hagel as a Senator never called for American military aid to Israel ($3 billion per year) to be made conditional. What he did – he refused to pledge total subservience to the Jewish Lobby. He said that as a US Senator, he would give American national interest priority over Israel’s interests. Hagel never supported Iran’s nuclear program, but said in a 2008 book that United States can live with a nuclear Iran just as it lived with nuclear USSR during the long Cold War period. He also warned US government about the enormous cost of a war on Iran. “Once you start the war – you’d better be prepared to find 100,000 troops, because it may take that,” wrote Hagel in 2010. But, even then, if 140,000 troops in Iraq could not bring a victory after 9-year of occupation – what are the chances it will happen in Iran, which has the capability to “wipe Israel off the map”.

Israel’s new government under Netanyahu is expected to include far extremist Jewish parties which will never stop pressuring Washington to attack Iran on Israel’s behalf – no matter what, if it takes Israeli Mossad to assassinate Obama.

In June 2013, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be completing his second and final term as country’s President. The next Iranian president may not be as charismatic as Ahmadinejad. Some Zionist media outlets have projected Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi Ph.D as Iran’s next president. US-educated Iraqi-born Salehi is mild-mannered and doesn’t throw punches like Ahmadinejad or Hugo Chavez. The Israel lobby experts believe that Salehi as President would change country’s nuclear policy. I suggest these Zionist idiots to read Dr. Salehi’s interview he gave to Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker, in September 2012 – in which Salehi said that no Iranian government would stop country’s support for Hamas, Hizballah or Syria – as it’s recommended by Iranian Constitution. In regard Iran’s civilian nuclear program, Saleh said that that has become a national pride and cannot be stopped.

Last week, Iran’s Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh reaffirmed the country’s stance on its peaceful nuclear program, saying Tehran will not suspend its enrichment activities “even for a moment.”

It’s too early to judge Chuck Hagel on his Christian moral courage - but I do know some of prominent Jews who had refused to do Teshuvah, demanded by Jewish Lobby. For example, Judge Richard Goldstone (South Africa), Professor Richard Falk (USA), British author and musician Gilad Atzmon and writer/blogger Roger Tucker (USA).

Lobby: Hagel does ‘Teshuvah’ on Iran | Rehmat's World
I think Iran has the right to produce a nuke to protect them selves from the USA who has already been the first to drop the first 2 nukes on countries and humans. I wouldn’t strop enriching either.