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As I predicted earlier, Senator John Kerry had smooth sailing (94-to-3) in the Zionist-controlled US Senate. To the great joy of Israel Lobby (AIPAC), he has been confirmed as next US Secretary of State to replace the retiring Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton. Judging by his previous record, Kerry, most probably will continue Clinton’s anti-resistance (Iran-Syria-Hizballah-Hamas) foreign policy.

However, to hide Kerry’s true agenda, the Zionist media have portrayed him as “Man of anti-Israel nations“. For example, the Wall Street Journal (January 28, 2013) called Kerry “Islamabad’s Man in Washington“, because last week Kerry said that adopting a “dramatic, draconian, sledgehammer approach,” would be against America’s interests, because Pakistan is too integral to America’s military supply routes into Afghanistan.

John Kerry, though may know Pakistan well, but most Pakistanis still remember how Kerry cheated their government on US spy Raymond Davis, who was arrested for murder of three Pakistanis. Kerry had assured Islamabad that the killer would be tried on return to Colorado, but the man was never tried for killing Pakistanis.

Muslim-hating David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine, on December 17, 2012, called Kerry “Assad’s Man in Washington“, because Kerry believes Syria under Assad will be more pro-US and safe for local religious minorities than Syria under an Islamist regime.

The Foreign Policy magazine called Kerry “Our Man in Havana“, because he believes the decades long sanctions on Cuba have created more hatred toward United States in South America.

In 2009, the New York Times Magazine, portrayed Kerry “Our Man in Kabul“, because Kerry being anti-Vietnam war activist – supported Bush wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Steven Ekovich in his 2004 biography of John Kerry, ‘Qui est John Kerry?’ (Who is John Kerry?), called him “Our Man in Paris“. Kerry speaks fluent French and still have some relatives living in France. Kerry’s French counterpart, Zionist Jew, Laurent Fabius, congratulated him upon his appointment and acknowledged “how personally committed he is to Franco-American friendship.”

In a statement, Obama said he was pleased that Kerry was confirmed with “overwhelming bipartisan support. From his decorated service in Vietnam to his decades in the Senate as a champion of American global leadership, John’s distinguished career has prepared him to guide American diplomacy in the years ahead.”

Israel-Firster Rep. Richard Edmond Neal (D-Springfield) paid John Kerry glowing tributes, by saying: “He faces many challenges; from North Africa, North Korea and Iran, but I know he is more than up to the task“. In other words, Neal doesn’t see the Zionist regime as one of America’s foreign policy issues.

During confirmation, Kerry assured the paranoid Zionist Senators that he would do his best to see that Iran doesn’t obtain a nuclear weapon, “and I repeat here today, our policy is not containment. It’s prevention, and the clock is ticking on our efforts to secure responsible response“. On Israel-Palestine, Kerry said that he supports the two-state solution. However, he warned that the continuation of new Jewish settlements would close the door on two-state solution, “which would be “disastrous for everyone in my judgement”. He told Senators Washington will oppose a Palestinian attempt to take Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague and views such a step as being extremely negative.

On Syria, John Kerry told Senators that Assad regime will fall soon (both French foreign minister and King Abdullah II of Jordan don’t think so).

John Kerry, however, disappointed many Senators by praising Chuck Hagel. “I know Chuck Hagel. I think he is a strong patriotic former Senator, and he will be a strong Secretary of Defense,” said Kerry. Both Kerry and Hagel are Vietnam War veterans.

Israeli daily, recently, quoted an Israeli foreign official saying: “Barack Obama is not interested in Israel-PA negotiations and will leave it to John Kerry. Kerry will visit Israel and West Bank next month to discuss it with Netanyahu and Abbas. However, if he felt that none of them are serious about resolving the issue – Kerry will drop the issue and concentrate on US issues with China and Russia.

Both John Kerry and his wife millionaire Theresa Heinz have Jewish family roots. John Kerry is the richest Senator, worth $150 million.

John Kerry: The “Our man” in Washington | Rehmat's World