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Jewish groups have started their smearing campaign against one of the leading contenders, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga (born 1942) of Honduras as successor to the retiring Pope Benedict XVI. The first shot was fired by no other than the Jewish academic, Dr. Alan Dershowitz, the welknown hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusader.

Dershowitz has called Cardinal Rodriguez, “an out and out antisemite”.

“The Cardinal has blamed the Jews for the scandal surrounding the sexual misconduct of priests toward young parishioners! He has argued that Jews got even with the Catholic Church for its anti-Israel position by arranging for the media – which they, of course, control, he said – to give disproportionate attention to the Vatican sex scandal. He then compared the Jewish controlled media with Hitler, because they are, protagonists of what I don’t hesitate to define as a persecution against the Church,” wrote Dershowitz.

Dershowitz’s above rant is based on Rodriguez’s 2002 interview with the Italian-Catholic publication “30 Giorni,” – in which he said that Jewish-controlled media was exploiting church sex scandals to divert public attention away from Israeli brutality against Palestinians.

On May 6, 2009, Dershowitz, at the Jewish FrontPage Magazine, blasted Father Angelo Idi, Bishop Richard Williamson, Cardinal Joseph Glemp and Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Meridiaga.

“Anti-Semitism in the Catholic clergy transcends ideological lines. Bishop Williamson and Father Idi are fascists of the hard right. Cardinal Rodriguez is a leftist “liberation” theologist. Cardinal Glemp is just an old fashioned Polish anti-Semite who follows in the footsteps of his predecessors who were also Primates of the Polish Catholic Church,” wrote Dershowitz.

Interestingly, ADL website has claimed that Cardinal Rodriguez apologized for his 2002 comments during a conversation with its director Abraham Foxman.

Dershowitz has claimed that if Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga succeed Pope Benedict XVI, “all of Pope John Paul II’s (born to a Polish Jewish mother) good work in building bridges between the Catholic Church and the Jews would be destroyed. This should not be allowed to happen. The campaign against this bigot must begin now“.

Dershowitz’s beef with Cardinal Rodriguez is that he is against Capitalism and abortion – both establishments being controlled by the Jewish elites. However, Cardinal Rodriguez do has something common with Dershowitz. Both hate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. In 2007, the former president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, demanded an apology from Chavez for calling Cardinal Rodriguez “a parrot and an imperialist clown”. However, later Zelaya joined Chavez’s Latin American economic cartel – a move which brought his downfall via a US-sponsored military coup.

Jews against Cardinal Rodriguez for Pope | Rehmat's World