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Israeli leaders have proven again and again that they’re not answerable to the world community for their immoral actions. They believe that with United States covering their backs, they have dominance over the world.

In July 2010, Lebanon complained to the UN Security Council on Israel’s covert espionage network involving the state-owned mobile telecom company Alpa. Alpa’s employees Tareq Raba and Charbel Qazzi were convicted for working for Israeli Mossad. No action was taken.

In 2007, Beirut complained to the UNSC, claiming that Israeli jets violated Lebanese airspace 290 times within four months. Under US presure, the UNSC refused to debate the complaint.

Even the United Nations has repeatedly protested Israeli jets’ violation of Lebanese airspace. In 2006, even the French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie, had slammed the Zionist entity for violation of Lebanese airspace and inciting a new war.

During the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in Summer 2006, the US, Britain and France refused to push a cease-fire resolution through UNSC. However, realizing that even after one-month of Israeli capet-bombing, the Hizballah fighters refused to surrender, the UNSC declared a cease-fire to save Jewish army from further military humiliation.

In 2011, Lebanese foreign minister Adnan Mansor in a letter to UN secretary-generak Ban Ki-moon complained that Israel is planning to steal undersea gas reserves within Lebanon’s northern maritime border.

Matthew Levitt, former CIA official who is currently an employee of Israel lobby group, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) was quoted in the NYT on January 30, 2013, as saying: “Israel is able to fly reconnaissance flights over Lebanon with impunity right now“.

Brenda Heard is founder-director of London-based ‘Friends of Lebanon’ organization. On February 17, 2013, she posted an article, titled, ‘Birds of Prey: the Record of Impunity for Israeli Military Aircraft’. In the article she wrote:

Israel’s routine overflights – characterised by UNIFIL in 2009 as not only a “humiliation to the Lebanese government and UNIFIL,” but also an “act of war,” —have been acknowledged by all parties to have been a problem since August 2000 (when Jewish army was forced to withdraw from South Lebanon as result of 18-year-long Hizballah armed resistance). Nonetheless, Israel has consistently invoked its quest for security, which is held to supersede not only the security of all others, but also the dictates of international law.

The habitual overflights violate not just Resolution 1701, but dozens of Resolutions dating back to 1968 warning Israel to respect the sovereignty of Lebanon. The issue was most famously spelled out with UN Resolution 425 (1978), recalled in all subsequent Resolutions.

In addition to the numerous bombing missions over the years, though, the Israeli birds of prey have been relentless in their mock raids and reconnaissance. The government of Lebanon has dutifully complained to the United Nations.

Every single month Israeli military aircraft have made repeated circles up to and including Beirut. Yet UNIFIL’s assessment last month was nearly verbatim from six previous tripartite meetings: November 2012, October 2012, August 2012, July 2012, May 2012, March 2012. Somehow, hundreds of violations were swept under the rug as “discussed.” Somehow, continual violations translated to “full support and commitment” to implement Resolution 1701. Not a mention of the drones or the “formations of multiple fighter jets” by which Israel blatantly transgressed Lebanese territorial sovereignty.

It has been argued that Israel should not be bound by Resolution 1701 because Hezbollah, as the primary resistance force in Lebanon, has remained armed. Firstly, UN Resolutions do not subscribe to the all-or-none approach; they specify obligations to each party separately. Secondly, prior to the formation of Hezbollah Resistance there were already 28 UN Security Council Resolutions condemning Israel’s aggressions against Lebanon. Thirdly, Resolution 1701 states that prohibitions on weaponry “shall not apply to arms, related material, training or assistance authorized by the Government of Lebanon or by UNIFIL.”

No one, not even Israel, denies that these egregious violations take place on a regular basis. But there is always an excuse: Israel and its enablers insist that the violations are merely a necessary security measure. Israeli Defence Minister Barak was quick to blame the Jamraya airstrike on the stubborn Syrian/Lebanese resistance; “we don’t think that it should be allowed,” he said.

Predictably, both the US and the UK quietly supported the airstrike. The American response was a shrug of the shoulders and a warning—not to Israel, of course—but to Syria and Hezbollah. The British responded likewise, avoiding any hint of impropriety from Israel, while frowning squarely at Syria and Hezbollah.

Read Ms Heard’s article in full, here.

Lebanon and Israeli exclusiveness | Rehmat's World