Israelis detained for organ harvesting in Romania


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Jewish news agency JTA, reported on February 20, 2013 that Romanian police detained two Israeli medical personnel, Dr. Dr. Rapahel Ron-El, a fertility specialist at Assaf Harofeh Hospital in central Israel and his technical assistant Daphna Komarovsky for illegally harvesting eggs from local women. However, under pressure from powerful Jewish groups, both were released from police custody and put under house-arrest inside a hotel in Bucharest on Wednesday.

The Romanian police source has claimed that these Israelis were targeting poor local students by offering them $180-240 for harvesting their eggs, which they allegedly then sold for $4,000-5,3000 to Jewish couples seeking in vitro fertilization. Ron-El and Komarovsky conducted their human-robbery in cooperation with nine other criminals working with the Med New Life, a private clinic in Bucharest.

In 2009, Romanian authorities arrested 30 Israelis and their local accomplices in raid on another clinic, Sabyc, reported Israeli daily Ha’aretz. The Romanian authorities let four of Israeli to escape to Israel – and then tried and sentenced them in absentia to five years in prison for illegal trade in human eggs.

Israelis have been caught in the lucrative illegal trade of human organ harvesting in Kosova, India, Haiti, Chad, Belarus, Nicaragua. Peru, Nicaragua, Philippines, Turkey, Ukraine, China and Occupied Palestine.

“With a generally well-educated population of 7.4 million and a modern medical system, Israel has an acute shortage of organs, in part because of religious beliefs. Just 12 percent of Israelis are registered donors, meaning they have consented to let their organs be used for transplants after they die,” wrote Jewish Bloomberg, November 1, 2011. In other words, an Israeli Jew is forbidden to donate his organ but allowed to steal it from non-Jewish human body under their religious belief.

In 2009, Sweden’s top newspaper Aftonbladet leaked the story which had been kept under the carpet by the Jewish-controlled western mainstream media. The Palestinians have been saying for decades that the Jewish soldiers, some times, have killed Palestinian youth to collect their body-parts for money.

In 2009, Ukrainian professor Vyacheslav Gudin, claimed that Israel brought around 25,000 Ukrainian children into the country over the past two years in order to harvest their organs.

On April 7, 2010 – CBS reported that six Israeli Jews including a retired Israel Army General Meir Zamir were arrested for organ traffickering, offering as much as US$100,000 to the organ donors.

In 2007, when Italian-Israeli Jew historian Professor Ariel Toaff in his book ‘Bloody Passovers’, agreed with Christians’ allegation of the ‘Blood Libel’ – he was hunted down by the Zionist mafia, so much so, that several Israeli lawmakers called for his arrest. The poor chap got so frightened that he recalled his book and apologized to fellow Jews for believing in the truth.

On November 24, 2011, Romanian prime minister Emil Boc visited Israel accompanied by his entire cabinet and met Netanyahu. In July 2011, Netanyahu became the first Zionist prime minister to visit Bucharest. Romania recognized Jewish occupation of Palestine in 1948. Both countries conduct joint military training and last year, the trade between Romania and Israel stood at $500 million.

The Romanian government is so subservient to its Jewish lobby that it’s declared saying in public the word anti-Semitism, a crime punishable with 6 month to 5 year in prison. Thus the Romanian Jew-haters have come-up with a novel way to say it – “heard by Jews when they were put on the trains of death“. However, this too offended country’s Center for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism. In August 2011, the group complained to the government, saying: “It’s racist, it shows hatred toward Jewish race, hatred toward Jewish religion, it defames Jews on ethnic grounds and incite violence against them“.

In 2010, Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League, asked Romanian President Traian Basescu to remove a new coin which depicted the picture of former Romanian Orthodox Church Patriarch Miron Cristea, who also acted as prime minister of the country in 1938-39. He is blamed for flaring-up anti-Semitism by some Jewish groups.

More than 300,000 Romanian Jews live in Israel – while 18,000 still live in Romania. Muslim population is 66,000 among country’s 22 million population. But, according to the ‘Jewish Idea Daily’ (December 2, 2011), “the local media (Jewish owned) is less swept up in anti-Israelism, so public opinion is less poisoned against the Jewish state”.

According to the World Health Organization, a kidney harvested illegally, is transplated every hour in the world (over 10,000 per year).

Israelis detained for organ harvesting in Romania | Rehmat's World