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On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress.

The Sequestration bill projects a $1.2 trillion budget cuts during next ten years. It will reduce US annual spending by $85 billion during March-October 2013. If carried out across the board, it will reduce US financial aid by $175 million, excluding $3.075 billion annual military aid to Israel. However, if the powerful Jewish lobby groups have their way – the automatic cuts will not affect the Zionist regime.

Douglas Bloomfield, former AIPAC chief lobbyist, wrote in the New York Jewish Week on February 27, 2013 – that AIPAC will be sending 13,000 of its activists to Capitol Hill telling pro-Israel Congress majority not to touch Israel’s $3 billion-plus US aid to Israel.

“At a time when sequestration is about to take a big bite out of the Pentagon budget, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will be sending 13,000 of its citizen lobbyists to Capitol Hill next week to make sure Israel is exempted from any spending cuts,” wrote Bloomfield.

Most American taxpayers are not aware of the fact that Israel with the help of its controlled Senators and Congressmen has stolen over $3 trillion from them since 1970s. A tiny fraction of billions of dollars Israel receives, it invest through AIPAC to buy the loyalties of the US lawmakers. Several AIPAC officials are on record admitting that the lobby pushed America into war against Saddam Hussein. Now, AIPAC is the front-runner in Israel’s campaign for war in Iran.

On Friday, new secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel, and his deputy Ashton Carter criticized the automatic cuts, by saying: “The impending across-the-board cuts will continue to cause this department to put at risk our ability to be effective and fulfill all our missions“. To put it simply; ”No more wars for Israel.

The Zionist regime is due to receive $211 million from Washington this year to buy more Iron Dome batteries (Pentagon has already replaced the batteries Jewish army lost against Hamas rockets in November 2012), and $268 million for the current US-Israeli missile programs.

US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel | Rehmat's World