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Two days ago, Barack Obama, had a meeting with 25 Jewish leaders representing several pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups (AIPAC, ADL, Orthodox Union, J-Street, B’nai B’rith International, World Jewish Congress, Simon Wiesenthal Center, etc.) at the White House. They advised him how to behave during his coming trip to Israel this month.

Barack Obama is scheduled to meet Israeli prime minister Netanyahu and other Jewish leaders during his visit, to assure them that he will always cover Israel’s back against an attack from the Islamic Republic. He will also visit the Jewish Holy Wailing Wall, Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem and attend a dinner at the home of Israel’s war-criminal president Shimon Peres who will award Obama with Israel’s Presidential Medal of Freedom. Obama will definely not visit Masjid Aqsa on top of the Wailing Wall – which could remind Israeli Jews of Obama’s African Muslim father.

According to Jewish media JTA, during the meeting which lasted over 45 minutes, Barack Obama told the delegate that his administration would continue putting sanctions and media pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear program. However, according to JTA, Obama rejected an entreaty from one participant for a US military action against Iran.

Barack Obama also informed that prospects for an Israeli-Palestinian peace are “bleak” – and that during his coming visits to Israel, Jordan and the West Bank, he will learn the views from both sides.

Netanyahu said earlier that he would discuss issues concerning Iran, Syria and Egypt, but not the new Jewish stellments which are the main hurdle in Mahmud Abbas having a new anti-Palestinian deal with the Zionist regime.

Influential pro-Israel Jewish supporters of Barack Obama also were in attendance, including Robert Wexler, Mel Levine, Steve Rabinowitz and Alan Dershowitz.

Obama wants his message of love for Israel to the young generation of Israeli Jews. “The president’s speech is an opportunity for him to speak directly with the Israeli people, in particular to young people, about the broad nature of the US -Israeli relationship,” reported JTA.

Obama disappoints pro-Israel Jewish leaders | Rehmat calling