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Ahmed Isaac Hassan, Chairman Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission ( IEBC), declares Uhuru Kenyatta duly elected President of Kenya after he garnered 50.07 per cent of votes cast.

Yesterday, John Kerry, US secretary of state, sent a message congratulating Kenyans for voting peacefully last Monday. However, Kerry’s message did not mention the winner’s name even for once. Washington has warned of “consequences” if Kenyatta, country’s deputy prime minister, wins.

I do smell skunk every time Washington demonize foreign leaders.

Washington don’t like Uhuru Kenyatta because he is being investigated by the International Criminal Court (ICC), a Zionist-controlled organization, for crimes against humanity. However, ICC, in the past has refused to investigate American and Israeli leaders for their crimes against humanity.

Washington threw its support behind Kenyatta’s opponent and Kenya’s out-going prime minister Raila Odinga, who is a close ally of the Zionist regime. In 2011, Raila Odinga met Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, president Shimon Peres and defense minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv. According to Israeli daily, Ha’aretz (November 17, 2011); they discussed how to counter the rise of Islamic threat to the US, Israel and Christians in Africa. Kenya has several hundred soldiers in Somalia who are fighting US proxy war against the Islamic Resistance Al-Shabaab.

Both Raila Odinga and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni had called Israel “a life saver in the fight against Muslim radical groups“. Since its independence (December 1963), Kenya has maintained very close intelligence and security ties with the Zionist regime.

Some idiot by the name Rashid Wanjala, writing in Keny Today (November 22, 2010) had compared Kenyatta’s TNA party with Pakestinian resistance group Hamas which rules Gaza Strip – for being classified “terrorist organization” by several pro-Israel western powers.

Zionist writer Steve Coll, writing at The New Yorker (March 7, 2013) has compared Kenyatta with Presidents Omar al-Bashir (Sudan) and Bashar al-Assad (Syria), both allies of Iran.

Israeli Mossad and Evangelists are very active in demonizing Muslims in Kenya. Kenya is also one of the top tourist spot for Israeli Jews. On November 22, 2002, the bombing of Israeli-owned Hotel Paradise Mombassa (Kenya) was a Mossad false flag operation to demonize Muslims. Israeli daily Ma’ariv exposed the hotel Africa’s largest brothel for Israeli tourists.

One third of Kenya’s 34 million population is Muslim. Kenya was a favorite refuge for European Jews escaping Nazis, according to the movie ‘Nowhere is Africa’.

American president’s Muslim father was born and raised in a small village in Kenya. Some of Obama’s African cousin still live in Kenya. The Smithsonian magazine pulished an article on Obama’s African roots in May 2012. Read it here.

Kerry’s message to Kenya misses President-elect’s name! | Rehmat's World