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On March 13, Jewish groups in the US, Canada, Europe, and Latin America hailed the selection of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio 76, as the new Pope Francis I as a “friend of Jews and Israel”.

Jewish leaders are hopeful that Pope Francis I, as former Archbishop of Buenos Aires would be able to convince Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner to backdown from the recent joint Truth Commission agreement her government signed with Tehran to let an independent third party to investigate the 1994 bombing at the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires and 1992 bombing at Israeli Embassy building – both Israeli Mossad false flag operations. The agreement started a ‘war-of-words’ between the local Jewish lobby, Israel and Kirchner. Israeli ambassador Shavit blamed Kirchner for selling her soul to “devil”. Argentina’s Jewish community leader, Guillermo Borger, slammed Kirchner for trusting Iranian government. In response, Kirchner called Borger “a foreign agent”.

President Cristina Kirchner is one of many admirers of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. She visited him in Cuban hospital and later visited Caracas to pay her last respect Chavez.

Abraham Foxman, head of America’s powerful Israel lobby group, ADL, has congratulated Jorge Bergoglio on his election as head of the Vatican. Foxman recalled how Jorge Bergoglio as Archbishop of Buenos Aires had celebrated various Jewish holidays with the Argentinian Jewish community, including Chanukah where he lit a candle on the menorah, attended a Buenos Aires synagogue for Slichot, a pre-Rosh Hashana service, the Jewish New Year, as well as a commemoration of Kristallnacht.

As far as I have heard and read in the few minutes since he was elected pope, he has shown deep signs of respect and friendship towards the Jews,” said Riccardo Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of Rome. “It’s a good starting point.”

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, has had a warm relationship with the Jewish community of Argentina, and enjoyed close friendships with many prominent rabbis,” said Rabbi David Rosen, international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee (AJC). “I am told that he is not popular with the present government because he takes strong, principled stands on many issues,” said Rosen. He was referring to Cardinal Bergoglio’s strong condemnation of the AMIA bombing and his solidarity with the local Jewish community.

We welcome Pope Francis I to his new role as leader of the Catholic Church,” B’nai B’rith International President Allan J. Jacobs said in a statement. “Catholic-Jewish relations had remained a focus of Pope Benedict XVI and we look forward to continuing the solid foundation that already exists for interfaith dialogue.”

David Novak, a professor of Jewish Studies and philosophy at the University of Toronto, said he hopes Pope Francis I improves on his predecessor’s prioritization of Jewish-Catholic relations.

We look forward to our ongoing partnership with the Catholic church in combating poverty, a great legacy of the Pope during his tenure as Cardinal of Buenos Aires,” said Rabbi Steve Gutow, president of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, in a statement.

In the eyes of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), Pope Francis I and the Zionist regime are the “birds of same feather”. According to ITCCS, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was involved in kidnapping and baby trafficking during Argentina’s military dictatorship (1976-83).

Francis I becomes the 266th pontiff in the Church’s 2,000-year history, and first Jesuit ever to be chosen pope. He is also the first pope from Latin America -popesucceeding Benedict XVI, a Zionist double agent, who retired last month.

Lobby: ‘Pope Francis I is kosher’ | Rehmat's World