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On March 15, Douglas Bloomfield, in The Jewish Week claimed that the real reason for Barack Obama’s visit to Israel was being overshadowed by the media which is putting to much emphasize on Obama-Netanyahu negotiation about Iranian nukes, the desired regime change in Syria and the new Jewish settlements. So what’s that the media doesn’t know but only Bloomfield knows?

“Obama will be carrying a message to Muslims about the need to respect the religion of others,” claims Bloomfield.

I wonder why Obama needs to repeat his message of tolerance for the Muslims which he stated in his speech at the UN General Assembly in September 2012.

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied,” said Obama. Obviously, Obama did not recognizes Judaism but Holocaust among the other religions Muslims hate.

Obama can be excused for not knowing that Jewish holy Talmud not only curses his Lord Christ and Holy Mary but also all the Christians. As to Bloomfiel, he only needs to study Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, former chief rabbi of Israel and spiritual leader of Israel’s Shas party – who in his 2003 fatwa said that all Arabs (both Muslims and Christians) should be killed. Last year, the Jerusalem Post quoted Ovadia saying: “Non-Jews were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world-only to serve the People of Israel“.

Bloomfield has claimed that his source is no other than Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes (a Zionist Jew).

Bloomfield says that since Obama will be visiting Israel Museum’s Shrine of Book in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem while avoiding Islam’s third sacred site, Al-Aqsa Moesque in the occupied East Jerusalem – proves that Barack Obama is not happy with how both Christians and Jews are despised by Muslims.

Interestingly, while Christian communities has not been expelled from Muslim lands, the Christian community in Israel has decreased from 12% to less than 2%. According to Palestinian sociologist Sabella, a Roman Catholic, the Christian exodus began after the fall of the Ottomon Empire in WW I. “However, it increased dramatically with the birth of Israel in 1948 and the upheaval that followed, when thousands of Christian and Muslim Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes. The 1967 Middle East War and Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip spurred more departures“.

“On Thursday he will begin his day by going to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are a testament, of course, to the ancient Jewish connection to Israel,” Bloomfield quotes Ben Rhodes. This Zionist myth is debunked by Israeli historian Dr. Shlomo Sand in his book, The Invention of the Jewish People, in which he has claimed that the Jews of today are the ethnic offspring of the biblical Jews is yet another Zionist myth.

“On Friday the President will go to Mt. Herzl to lay wreaths at the graves of Theodore Herzl and Yitzhak Rabin, and then visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial to the Holocaust. From there he will go to Bethlehem to tour the Church of the Nativity to deliver another message to Abbas and Muslims about the need for religious tolerance. The visit to the church is also intended to send a message to Islamist governments in the region, notably Egypt, Syria and Iraq, where Christians are facing increased persecution,” says Bloomfiel.

Israeli propagandists like Bloomfield believe that most of their readers are as stupid and ignorant like them. Mahmoud Abbas is welknown Israeli double agent. Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad is secularist-socialist Ba’athist regime and not “Islamist”. Iraqi government is also led by secularist Nouri al-Maliki. Egyptian president Dr. Morsi is so “Islamist” that he was called “brother” last year for arranging a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, by no other than Israeli president Shimon Peres!

Obama’s “secret mission” to Israel | Rehmat's World