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“Hey, US wanted to stick their nose into this Lebanon thing, let them pay the price,” Israeli prime minister Begin.

On April 18, 2013, US secretary of state John Kerry, who is married to a Jewish billionaire of Heinz food dynasty and grandson of a Jewish couple – took a shot at Israel’s N0.1 Arab enemy by accusing Lebanese Islamic Resistance group Hizbullah for masterminding over the 1983 suicide bombing of the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 52 people.

“Today, on the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, the United States celebrates close cooperation with the people of Lebanon that proves the enemies of democracy failed,” said John Kerry in Washington.

On November 3, 1982, Pentagon analyst Dr. Beter, reported that the Marines had been sent there to become the focus of a major incident. The Mossad is to arrange for a number of our Marines to be killed in an incident that will be blamed on the Arabs! This will be used to inflame American public opinion to help lead us into war, including ultimately nuclear war.

Israeli Mossad with close cooperation from CIA, FBI and local law enforcement agencies – has a great record of false flag operations to terrorize the American public.

On October 23, 1983 – at 6:20 a.m. – A truck packed with explosives slammed into US Marine barracks at Beirut Internation Airport – killing 241 Marines, mostly asleep. A few minutes later, a similar explosion blew up a French military barracks – killing 56 French soldiers. Israeli Mossad acknowledged that it had prior information on these terrorist activities – but its chief Nahum Admony (former member of Haganah Jewish terrorist militia). In September 2006, he chaired the investigation committee to find out the reasons behind Israel’s military humiliation at the hands of Hizbollah in 34-day war) decided not to warn Israel’s ally in details: “No. We are not going to protect the Americans. They’re a big country. Send only the regular information.” Israel took a similar position on September 11, 2001 attack on WTC and the Pentagon – while asking prime minister Ariel Sharon to cancel his schedule travel to Washington.

Kerry blames Hizbullah for 1983 US embassy bombing | Rehmat's World