Samantha Power and the ‘divided Jewish lobby’


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It seems, we will be watching another Chuck Hagel vs Jewish Lobby charade in the coming weeks.

On June 5, both Barry Curtiss-Lusher, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, lauded Barack Obama for nominating Samantha Power to replace Dr. Susan Rice as new US ambassador to the United Nations. Samantha Power like Susan Rice has always looked after Israel’s interests at international forums. As head of Obama’s mulilateral affairs and human rights efforts, ”Samantha engaged in an all-hands-on-deck US compaign against Palestinian unilateral efforts at the UN to circmvent peace negotiations. As someone who appreciates, to the core of her being, the meaning of international human rights mechanisms, Samantha is clear eyed and understands the injustice of their abuse to target Israel’s legitimacy,” said the two Israel-Firsters.

Student Samantha Power’s professor at Harvard, Alan M. Dershowitz, in an article published in Jewish algemeiner (June 5), hailed Obama’s choice and urged the Senate to confirm Samantha quickly for this important job.

“I have discussed the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflict with Samantha on many occasions. As a strong supporter of Israel’s security, I have a high level of confidence that she will do and say the right things. Indeed, because of her sometimes critical attitude toward certain Israeli policies—some of which I agree with, others of which I do not—she will bring added credibility to her positions at the most anti-Israel location in the world other than perhaps, Tehran. No one should expect to agree with everything an outspoken person like Samantha has said over the past decades. But nor should anyone judge her on isolated statements instead of on her distinguished total record,” wrote the good-old Dershowitz.

However, many others at Israel Hasbara Committee, don’t share above praise of Samantha Power. For example, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the Senate to oppose Samantha nomination based on her record of outspoken anti-Israel statements. ZOA listed some of Samantha’s antisemitic statements; in April 2002, she proposed investing billions of dollars in a Palestinian State and providing a mammoth military force to shield it from Israel, while in April 2003, she equated Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon with PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. In other words, the idiots at ZOA believe Obama has nominated Samantha as Israel’s ambassador to the UN.

On June 5, The New York Times posted a video of Samantha’s 2002 remarks on imposing peace on Israel during an interview with Harry Kreisler, who now heads the Institute of International Studies (IIS), an Israeli advocacy group. Watch the video below.

On June 5, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) issued a statement condemning the nomination of Samantha Power as US envoy to United Nations. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said, “Samantha Power has a record of statements that are very troubling to Americans who support Israel. We urge members of the U.S. Senate to question her closely about her past statements and writings. She must respond to the strong doubts about her views raised by that record. Senators should also examine her tenure as head of the President’s Atrocity Prevention Board to see what results, if any, came out of her time there“.

The Jewish Press has called Samantha Power, “Left-wing idol”, whatever that means!

One of America’s top Islamophobe, Jewish Debbie Schlussel penned Smantha Power “a crack head” for calling Hillary Clinton “a monster” and suggesting that America should invade Israel.

Samantha Power was born into an Irish Catholic family. She is married to professor Cass Robert Sunstein (Harvard Law School), Obama’s former Jewish information Czar. Samantha is his second wife. Sunstein first married professor Lisa Ruddick (University of Chicago) and later started dating professor Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago). Sunstein is a committed Zionist Jew and leading architect of the 2009 Cyber Security Act. Sunstein stated that “internet is threat to democracy”.

Power won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction for her book “A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide,” which examined US foreign policy toward genocide in the 20th century.

Following are Samantha Power’s five ‘antisemitic’ statements posted on June 5, 2013, by the Jewish Washington Free Beacon.

1. In 2003, she recommended that United States should apologize to the world for its past failures in order to enhance credibility with foreign countries.

2. In 2002, she made several recommendations on what the US do to alleviate the Israel-Palestinian conflict which she compared to Rawandan genocide.

3. She praised Obama’s willingness (during a debate on July 24, 2007) to meet with hostile foreign leaders (Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba) without preconditions.

4. In 2008, she called Obama’s challenger for Democratic presidential ticket, Hillary Clinton, “a monster”. Power was forced to resign from Obama’s campaign.

5. Power insulted John Kerry (his both grandparents were Jewish and he is married to a Jewish millionaire) during his 2004 failed campaign for president. She, in an interview with UK daily New Statesman said: “God love him, he must have thought that having got shrapnel in his ass out there (Vietnam War) bought him some credibility. It didn’t.”

Samantha Power and the ?divided Jewish lobby? | Rehmat's World