Egypt: Pro-Israel military dictatorship returns


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Yesterday, military generals loyal to former Egyptian military dictator Hosni Mubarak sacked the democratically elected president Dr. Mohamed Morsi. Today, Mubarak’s appointee and the current Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) president Adly Mansour is sworn-in as interim president of Egypt. Morsi like Turkish prime minister Erdogan, has bent backward to please Washington and Tel Aviv during his one year rule. Morsi did not only shut down and destroyed siege-busting tunnels across the border with Gaza; he flooded them with waste-water, gassed them, and detonated them.

In a televised speech on Wednesday, Egptian defence minister and army chief, Gen. al-Sisi, a close friend of former military dictator Hosni Mubarak, said that post-Morsi roadmap includes suspending the so-called “Islamic Constitution”, writing a new Constitution by a panel of technocrats and hold a new election within next 12 months. He also declared that during the transitional period, Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) under Army Chief General Sedki Sobhi, will hold the ultimate authority. Both al-Sisi and Sobhi have ties with American and Israeli military establishment.

“For the sake of Egypt and for historical accuracy, let’s call what is happening by its real name: military coup,” Mursi’s national security adviser Essam El-Haddad said in a statement, warning of “considerable bloodshed” to come.

The fate of ex-president Morsi is not confirmed. There are rumors that military junta has put him under house-arrest and he would be forced to resign.

Egypt was kept in turmoil by the western powers since the fall of their ally Hosni Mubarak as result of mass protests in early 2011, arousing fears that democratically elected leaders might annul peace treaty with Israel in future.

The military coup against Morsi proves what America’s top Jewish political philosopher, Dr. Noam Chomsky, said in April 2011: “Across the (Arab World), an overwhelming majority of the population regards the United States as the main threat to their interests. The US and its allies will do anything they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab world”. What the US and its allies fear the most, is, that democratic regimes in the Muslim world usually are anti-Israel.

There are all indications that US has succeeded in another regime change in the Middle East by re-installing a pro-Israel military dictatorship. In a post-Morsi era, it will be easy for the SCAF to crush anti-government and anti-USrael protests as was the case during Mubarak’s decades rule. The pro-Israel anti-Islam western NGOs will return in hordes, $1.3 billion annual US military aid to the new regime would be blessed by the Zionist-occupied US Congress – and the Zionist-controlled western mainstream media will keep demonizing Morsi and Muslim Btotherhood for years to come.

Former Israeli Army Chief, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi in a interview with CNN, confirmed that peace treaty between Israel and Egypt will not be affected by the removal of Morsi from power. He asserted that both Morsi and SCAF were in favor of good relations with Israel.

Israeli hasbara news outlets like algeminer, Times of Israel, Israel National News and The Blaze called Morsi’s removal by the military as “good for Israel”. Saed Bannoura, however, claimed at the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) that the Zionist regime lost a friend in Cairo.

Mahboob A Khawaja, Ph.D. explores in depth Egypt’s national and international challenges in a recent article.

“Egypt faces complex and critical situations. What was destroyed by over half of the century of continued authoritarian rule, political insanity and societal destruction cannot be restructured and rebuild in a year or two. Suspicious and paranoid army Generals need not to jump into a volatile political affairs. No Generals can understand what is good for the public conscience and aspirations. In an emerging democracy, people enjoin passion to demonstrate and to shout at one another that is not abnormal. There is no political emergency in need of military dictates or intervention. The Generals are not equipped with the capacity to politically reason the unreason. They are not the political entity to pursue peaceful dialogue for human change. President Mohammad Morsi was elected through a fair political system and he must have time and opportunities to devise new thinking, plan and take concerted actions to deliver goods and services to the embittered pubic. Today’s Egypt seems more standing and moving on a rational path of change and development than the Hosni Mubarak’s era of dictatorial rule by one party against all. It will be unwise and unwarranted if the military Generals intervene in the political process for societal change and future-making. Such an intervention could block all avenues of peaceful political transformation for the good of the people. There were no political dialogues in Mubarak’s authoritarian rule but President Morsi facilitated so many to talk with the opponents. Egypt needed new political imagination and political institutions to undo the paradox of history, President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are articulating some and more to come with the consensus of the people over certain period of time. Being one year in office is just a dot on the screen for change. Political Change moves on its own pace, not what some external forces should dictate or determine it. If opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood dream of glory and triumph and think they enjoin some magic solutions to the 50 years old economic-political mismanagement, they are disconnected to the real world of change. What happening in Egypt is the test case for short and long terms political development process. If it is stopped, it will ruin Egypt’s lifelines for freedom and democracy,” says Dr. Mahboob.

Egypt: Pro-Israel military dictatorship returns | Rehmat's World