Kerry’s ‘Palestinian Iftar’ for Jews and Muslims


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On Monday, US secretary of state John Kerry (a Crypto Jew) hosted an ‘Iftar party’ for the Israeli and the West Bank peace negotiators in Washington DC. The party was attended in addition to John Kerry, by Israeli justice minister Tzipi Livni, a ‘war criminal’ declared by a British court, Netanyahu’s special envoy Isaac Molho, Mahmoud Abbas’ chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, Abbas’ close adviser Mohammed Shtayyeh, Martin Indyk, former US Jewish ambassador to Israel and AIPAC employee, and Kerry’s special adviser, Frank Lowenstein, a Zionist Jew.

Hamas, the democratically elected government of Palestinian Authority (PA), currently ruling Gaza, was not invited to attend the peace talks being held after three years.

On Tuesday, Barack Obama and Joe Biden met the teams at the White House to give a boost to Kerry’s doomed diplomacy. After the ‘royal handshakes’ at the White House – a three-way meeting was held at the State Department with Kerry and his two Jewish representatives.

Tzipi Livni told reporters that despite the hope, Israel cannot afford to be naive and promised “to do everything for the security of Israel”.

Erekat, the naive, spoke briefly at the press conference saying “Palestinians have suffered enough and no one will benefit from this process than the Palestinians“.

American officials sought to dampen expectations, saying Kerry might say only that the two sides have agreed to meet again. Kerry said the negotiations would continue during the next nine months. This will give enough time to Netanyahu to build more illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Furthermore, this will bar Abbas to go to the United Nations in September to make a call for a Palestinian state.

Looking at the composition of the negotiation teams; Jews 5: Muslims 2, anyone can deduce the final result. Let’s not forget the two “Muslims” only speaks for Mahmoud Abbas and not the Palestinians who voted for Hamas to represent them in 2006. Most Palestinians and their supporters already know that Kerry and Abbas are not in the position to extract any concessions from the Zionist regime. The simple fact is that these two morons were not even able to secure a settlement freeze proves what a charade the whole thing is. The Palestinian will get absolutely nothing.

Michael Sfard, a Tel-Aviv-based Jewish lawyer and co-founder of Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights says that such peace process always had negative consequences for Palestinians in the occupied territories.

“While talks are happening Israel gets away with anything. Land grabs, the expansion of settlements, even the Operation Cast Lead was waged while there were peace talks,” said Sfard.

Mitchell Plitnick, an American Jewish political writer wrote at Lobe Log website: “Indyk’s appointment is a powerful indicator of Obama administration’s determination to both renew talks and make sure they’re conducted in a way that AIPAC doesn’t object to. Can there be any clearer signal that the endgame of restarting talks was just that – resuming them without aiming for a solution?”.

I like to end this post by quoting a fanatic anti-Muslim Zionist Jew from Miami Beach who is mad as hell at Israel for agreeing with John Kerry’s peace scam. He has “urged Israelis to bring down traitor Bibi”, reported Bradley Burston in Israeli daily Haaretz on July 30, 2013.

Kerry?s ?Palestinian Iftar? for Jews and Muslims | Rehmat's World