2013 International Quds Day


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On the last Friday of Islamic month of Ramadan (August 2), people in over 80 countries will be showing their mass support for the liberation of the Holy Land from the Zionist Jewish occupation.

The event, a brainchild of Imam Khomeini in 1980, which started as an Iranian local event – later spread to other Muslim nation-states and among Muslim communities living in the West.

Though Tehran is not at its best terms with the Gaza-ruling Hamas over its policy towards Syrian crisis – the International Quds Day is planned by mass gatherings and lectures in 770 Iranian cities with largest in Tehran. Hamas leadership was fooled by the leaders of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria – and $250 million bribe from Qatari ruler. Now, since Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt via a US-Israel sponsored military coup and $1 billion from Saudi King, Hamas feel desrted by its so-called “Sunni friends”. On July 29, 2013, Lebanese daily Al Akhbar reported that Hamas is reconsidering joining the Axis of Resistance (Iran-Syria-Hizbullah) after the fall of Egyptian president Dr. Morsi. According to Associated Press, the military junta has ordered investigation into Morsi’s links with anti-Israel Palestinian resistance Hamas.

Iran’s Assembly of Experts Chairman Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi-Kani has said that Muslims will condemn newly resumed US-brokered peace negotiations between the Zionist regime and Mahmoud Abbas during Quds Day demonstrations. Hamas, being declared “a terrorist organization” by Israel, the US and EU, was not invited by John Kerry to attend the so-called “peace negotiations” in Washington DC early this week.

“Muslims will condemn such desperate efforts on this year’s International Quds Day and will prevent this act of treason and will not allow anyone to erase the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime for more than half of a century,” he said on Wednesday.

Seyyed Hossein Naqavi-Hosseini Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Spokesman, called for strong turnout at Quds Day rallies. “Today, the Islamic nation and Muslims of the world defend the oppressed nation of Palestine. Therefore, the rallies will be bigger than in the past. The entire Islamic nation must react in this regard and confront this malignant tumor (the Zionist regine) through their glorious turnout in support of the definite right of the nation of Palestine.”

In Pakistan, Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari, Secretary General of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen appealed to Pakistani nation to mark International Quds Day on Friday Ramazan 23.

“Palestine problem is the problem of Muslim Ummah. Israel is the enemy of all Muslims because Zionists want to destroy Muslim nations and annex their land in their Zionist project,” he said.

Sunni Friday prayer leader of Bojnourd, Haj Akhound Allah Yar Derakhshan in an exclusive interview with Taqrib News Agency underscored the importance of Quds Day. “People all out participation in the event is indeed a slap in the face of Zionism,” he said.

On Quds Day, an international conference on “Palestine: the Axis of Muslim World Unity” will be held in Tehran. The conference will be addressed by Ayatullah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri, a senior adviser to the Supreme Leader Ayatullah Khamenei and Mohammad Baqer Khorramshad, head of Iran’s Organization of Cultural and Islamic Relations. The conference is expected to be attended by ambassadors from Muslim and members of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) nations and Palestinian representatives. Iran is the current rotating chairman of the NAM.

The Canadian branch of terrorist Jewish Defense League, on its website has appealed to all Israel-loving Canadians to protest against Toronto’s annual Quds Day on Saturday August 3, 2013. The JDL was founded by US-born Muslim-hating Rabbi Meir Kahane aka Martin David Kahane (born 1932). Baruch Goldstein, who murdered 29 Muslim worshippers at Hebron’s mosque on February 25, 1994, was member of Kahane’s Kach movement. Kahane’s biographer, Robert Friedman, exposed Kahane an FBI agent in book, ‘False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane trom FBI informant to Knesset member’. Kahane was allegedly assassinated by an Egyptian Al-Sayyid Nusair, who was later acquitted by a New York court in December 1991.

Jewish historian and author, Dr. Shlomo Sand, says Israel has no right to exist. Watch the video below.

2013 International Quds Day | Rehmat's World