Erdogan: ‘Keep Turkey-Israel collaboration in secret’


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On October 8, 2013, Iran’s Fars News Agency reported that Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged senior political and security members of his cabinet to keep secret any news about his government’s relations and cooperation with the Zionist regime on different issues concerning Israel’s neighboring Muslim countries.

According to a government insider, Erdogan had a very important meeting with his cabinet members, including Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Interior Minister Muammar Guler, National Defense Minister Ismat Yilmaz, Security Chief Hakan Fydan, Head of IHH, Turkey’s largest charity group, Fahmy Bulent Ildirim and a number of his advisors on September 21.”

During the meeting, several issues related to Ankara’s foreign policy, such as, “cooperation between Israel and Turkey on the outlawed Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK), the Syrian issue, peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel and foiling Armenian lobby’s attempts in the US against Turkey as well as consultations between Tel Aviv and Ankara to persuade Washington to wage military attack on Syria“, were discussed.

According the source, “Erdogan voiced extreme displeasure with the leak of information about different aspects of Turkey’s relations with Israel, and called on all the relevant governmental bodies to keep such news secret and punish those who disobey the order even if they are close people to Erdogan“.

The head of Israel’s Mossad, Tamir Pardo, met secretly with the Turkish intelligence agency’s undersecretary, Hakan Fidan, on June 10, 2013 in Ankara, with Syria and Iran on the agenda.

On November 6, 2008, the Jewish Daily Forward reported that Ankara hired several American Jewish groups, like AIPAC, ADL, B’nai B’rith International, etc. to lobby against the passage of Armenian genocide (HR 106) bill in the Congress. In this case, Jewish groups had common interest with Turkey, as the genocide was Crypto Jews.

The PKK and several other Kurd groups, fighting against governments in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, have Jewish Kurd leaders. More than 50,000 Kurd Jews are Israeli citizens. Before the 2003 Iraq war, Israel armed and trained nearly 100,000 Jewish Kurds.

Last year, Scott Richard, a Washington-based intelligence analyst, told Press TV that inspite of Erdogan anti-Israel rhetoric, Ankara is controlled by Israel and the pro-Israel Jewish lobby.

“We (United States) have a very pro-Israel, a very pro-Zionist and super control over Turkey. Turkey is becoming more of a puppet, while in the past they’ve been very closely aligned with Syria,” said Richard.

I suspect the the anti-Erdogan campaign run by Israeli leaders and the Jewish-controlled western mainstream media is nothing but a smokescreen to create a “world Sunni leader” out of Erdogan. This will help the western imperialists to keep the Ummah divided and destroy the Islamic Resistance from within.

Erdogan: ?Keep Turkey-Israel collaboration in secret? | Rehmat's World