Tutorial: How to change your Avatar


Staff member
This is a step by step guide on how to change your avatar. I tried to make this as clear & simple as possible.

Avatar limitations are currently set to 120x120 pixels and 450 KB. This should be more then enough for avatars. If you upload an avatar that is bigger than this it will be resized. If it is animated and then resized it will lose the animation. These sizes were chosen to keep the forum loading fast and looking nice & neat.

Step 1:

Click "User CP" in the top left coner of this site.


Step 2:

Along the left of your screen you will see a list of links. Scroll down until you see "Settings & Options" right underneath that is the link to edit your avatar called "Edit Avatar" click it.


Step 3:

You can select an previously uploaded avatars from the list or...

If you have selected a "previously uploaded avatar" skip to step 5.

...you can upload your own. Scroll further down the page and click the browse button.


Step 4:

Browse to the location on you computer where the avatar is located, and click the picture and then click "Open"

Step 5:

Click "Save Changes" and your done!!


Now that was easy :)

Feel free to post sites where FREE avatars can be download.
