New digital revolution Monday, March 16, 2009


New digital revolution
Monday, March 16, 2009

The world is on the verge of a new digital revolution: the grid. This is a (global) network of computers unprecedented computing power and data storage in time for everyone available, reports the National institute for subatomic physics (Nikhef) in Amsterdam.

The grid is like the Internet originated in the International Institute for Particle Physics CERN in Geneva. The unbridled flow of data is produced by the new particle accelerator, the construction of the grid is necessary, says Jeff Templon of Nikhef.

The principle of the grid is simple: as much as possible by computers in a network to link, the computing power and memory of these computers are being used for tasks. Such a network exists in the European context but Nikhef working with other partners to a Dutch network called the Big Grid, says Templon. The network now has around one hundred thousand computers. Besides the Nikhef are also showing astronomers, doctors and companies such as Philips' use of Big Grid.


For everyone is not eligible for admission to the Big Grid recognize Templon. A special committee reviews requests for access to the system. Or the Dutch grid ever publicly accessible, the time to learn. Templon: But this system is so powerful that the vast majority of people never will need. Yet dare I not predictions, because nobody knew twenty years ago that the worldwide web and internet so high flight would take. "Who knows what is still possible with the grid.

Nevertheless, the Netherlands plays an important role in the Big Grid project as well as housing the headquarters of the organization with the coordination of national grid infrastructures in Europe should care, This month it became known that EGI on the Science Park Amsterdam is located.

By Joris Polman

Source: News tips