
Hubble makes beauty of recording a giant system
Tuesday, April 14/09


The Hubble Space Telescope has a wonderful recording of the peculiar galaxy NGC 7049. On the recording are the swirling dust bands and radiant bolhopen of the galaxy in beautiful detail visible. NGC 7049 belongs to a mysterious class of galaxies, which are characteristics of spiral galaxies and elliptical systems exhibit. NGC 7049 has a diameter of 150,000 light years at a distance of 100 million light years away in the direction of the constellation Indus.

NGC 7049 is the central, brightest and most powerful member of a cluster of galaxies. Such galaxies are Brightest Cluster Systems (Brightest Cluster Galaxies) listed, or BCG's. Since such systems among the oldest and most massive in the universe are, they are often an extended family of globular star clusters with it. The splendid record of NGC 7049 suggests astronomers able to have an extended study open of clusters.

The open clusters in NGC 7049 are visible as many weak light that are embedded in the light of the halo of the galaxy. This halo is visible as a ghost-like region around the actual system, and consists of a variety of individual stars and compact (old) star clusters. open clusters are particularly dense and consist of hundreds of thousands of stars, by the gravitational bound together (often caught in an area of only 100 light years in diameter).

open clusters among the first structures that formed in the emergence of the first galaxies. As a result, they contain the oldest stars of systems such as NGC 7049. This kind of old and massive systems usually contain a complex family of open clusters. NGC 7049 is an exception and has relatively little open clusters (although it is compared with our Milky Way pretty much are). This means that the study of these open clusters, astronomers can tell about the history of the system and the environment in which it is located (both factors are considered to affect the total number open clusters that a system with him).


Original Source: Hubble Space Telescope

Source: astrostart