SKIRTS: How To Dress For The Revolution


New member
My 17th book, 14th non-fiction, will be free on Kindle Feb. 2.

SKIRTS: How To Dress For The Revolution

Humanity started in the caves and if it were up to the men we would still be there. Civilization and all its artifacts were invented by women. The pack was led by the women of Africa who established the first great state, Egypt. As a result the Supreme Being awarded the second covenant in the Torah to one of theirs, Hagar. When this is implemented, women get back to running things and prevent us from going back to the caves so they won't have to invent civilization all over again. There is only one small detail. This can only be accomplished through revolution and that is where the men come in. For further details you will have to read the book.

The Amazon ID is B00I2V29GC.