Emerging nations call for new world order at summits


Emerging nations call for new world order at summits

June 19th, 2009 in Breaking News, New World Disorder

Leaders of the emerging countries joined hands calling for a new world order amid the global financial crisis and boosting security and trade at two summits on Tuesday.

In the opening speech at Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Russia, host President Dmitri Medvedev said the SCO would develop tools to overcome the current global financial crisis, proposing to convene an experts’ meeting to tackle the crisis. Representatives from major banks and other financial institutions would attend, he said.

SCO leaders would not only consider ways to overcome the financial crisis, but would also consider building the basis for future cooperation.

Medvedev also described Urals of Yekaterinburg as “the epicenter of world politics” in his remarks, adding that the need for major developing world nations to meet in new formats was “obvious.”

Following the SCO summit, BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) leaders attended the first four-nation summit in Yakaterinburg.

Emerging nations call for new world order at summits | FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL