
Truth feeder
Here is an interesting article that claims Obama is a lightworker with a high vibration.
It's an old article, but still fits today.

In a Dolores Cannon interview she claims Obama is a lightworker.....

Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain't no ordinary politician. You buying it?June 06, 2008|By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
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Please. I'm also certainly not saying he's perfect, that his presidency will be free of compromise, or slimy insiders, or great heaps of politics-as-usual. While Obama's certainly an entire universe away from George W. Bush in terms of quality, integrity, intelligence and overall inspirational energy, well, so is your dog. Hell, it isn't hard to stand far above and beyond the worst president in American history.
But there simply is no denying that extra kick. As one reader put it to me, in a way, it's not even about Obama, per se. There's a vast amount of positive energy swirling about that's been held back by the armies of BushCo darkness, and this energy has now found a conduit, a lightning rod, is now effortlessly self-organizing around Obama's candidacy. People and emotions and ideas of high and positive vibration are automatically drawn to him. It's exactly like how Bush was a magnet for the low vibrational energies of fear and war and oppression and aggression, but, you know, completely reversed. And different. And far, far better.

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