
Truth feeder
Sept 11, 2010

Nine years after the attacks of 9/11, many heroes from that day are still fighting for their lives. One of them is a firefighter, who is struggling to stay alive for his family.

First responders are developing blood cancers at an alarming rate and there is concern Ground Zero toxins may be to blame.

In July, 53-year-old retired NYC firefighter Randy Wiebicke was healthy and feeling good, busy building a new chicken coop. His cancer was in remission.

But seven weeks later, he lost 25 pounds and his body became frail in the fight of his life.

Randy’s story is that of many firefighters, police and first responders who thought they’d dodged a bullet and escaped the illnesses so many developed soon after 9/11. Until last summer, when the bullet hit.

“My kidneys shut down and when your kidneys shut down you know it,” he said. It wasn’t just kidney failure but a rare, and for Randy, very aggressive blood cancer known as multiple myeloma, which he and his wife are convinced came from exposure to toxins at Ground Zero.

Full article here
