Corporate behavior: Blockbuster and vo


Multi-National corporate behavior: Blockbuster and voodoo

Mexico voodoo promo gets new partner, Blockbuster.

MEXICO CITY — After Radioshack dropped out, a Mexican newspaper has found a new U.S. corporate sponsor to help put a voodoo hex on the U.S. national soccer team – and end Mexico’s decade-long losing streak.

Blockbuster stores in Mexico City began trading Record newspaper coupons for voodoo-doll likenesses of U.S. soccer players Friday. The back of the dolls’ jersey reads, “Gringos.”

They should be used to wish for a Mexico goal during the World Cup qualifier Wednesday in Colombus, Ohio, according to the instructions.

Mexico has not beaten the Americans on U.S. soil in 10 years.

“Hold a needle firmly between your thumb and index finger and prick slowly the part of the doll where you want to affect the opponent,” the instructions say.

Electronics retailer RadioShack, of Fort Worth, Texas, dropped out as a distribution partner last week after learning details of the campaign.
February 7th, 2009 in Breaking News, The Elite