What is faster if you are infinitely fast or time travel?


New member
i mean literally infinitely fast, there is no limit but he cant time travel with his speed what is faster the guy that is infinitely fast. or the guy that could go so fast he could travel forward and backward threw time?


New member
Obviously the time traveler because he could travel anywhere he wanted then go back in time 10 minutes before he started his journey and technically he would get 10 minutes back even after the journey :)


New member
to our knowledge light is the fastest thing we know at the moment. you would have to define your speed and is it in a atmospheric or non atmospheric surrounding. in atmosphere speed is decreased by resistance of particles in the air. Light travels at a speed of 186000 miles a second or 700 million miles an hour in space but The speed of light is not always fixed at 299792458 m/s. In earth's atmosphere, the speed of light slows, though this is negligible. In water, light travels at 75% of c, and in a diamond, light travels at .40 c. C is the speed of light, rounded to 300,000 km/s.


New member
You cannot travel infinitely fast. The fastest velocity you can reach is the speed of light, about 186,212 MPH.The rate at which you flow through time is directly dependent upon your speed. Hypothetically, if were able to *reach* the speed of light, time would stop for you, and you would, from *your* perspective, travel as far as you could possibly travel before some outside force returned you to subluminal velocities instantaneously.Now, from an outside observer, you would appear to be traveling at 186,212 MPH, but you would appear to them to be frozen in time. If you were hypothetically able to travel *faster* than light, an outside observer would witness you running backwards, which is a logical impossibility, since you would hypothetically have to observe yourself traveling backwards from your destination to your starting point before you even began your trip.


New member
very interesting,The test would be to race the two.For any given distance say from one side of the universe to the other both would arrive instantly or would they? Now analize the time traveler could arrive before the race begins so from time - 0 to his arival 0 time would have passed. the non time traveler who can go infinitely fast, the race begins from time 0 - to his arival how much time passes? If he goes infinitly fast then an infinitly small amount of time passes. ex speed is a measure of distance per time so say he travels one universe per infinitely small amount of time.The question boils down to which is smaller 0, or infinitly close to 0? I am inclined to say that 0 is smaller and therefor the time traveler is faster.


New member
With time travel you could go somewhere and arrive a million years before you left.No matter how fast you travel you can't go somewhere unless you stop and turn around.Example, You go to the moon. You travel at a speed of one million times faster that the speed of light. You get to the moon in 1/1,000,000th of a second but as each extra second passes you leave it far behind. So you need to slow down so you can "arrive" at the destination.Time travel does not have that problem.