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Under severe pressure from Israel and Jewish Lobby groups’ frenzied campaign in South Africa, Britain and the US against his family and friends has cranked the South African Zionist Jewish judge Richard Goldstone.

On Saturday – in a Op-Ed in the Washington Post, Richard Goldstone retracted from his original views in the ‘Goldstone Report’ on Israel’s genocide of 1.5 million natives in tiny Gaza strip – submitted to United Nations two years ago. “If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document,” he wrote. That shows that Goldstone has lost his earlier Jewish moral conscience and now he is lying as a typical Zionist.

Does Richard Goldstone and the applauding Zionist crowed expect Jimmy Carter, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass, Gideon Levy, Israel Charny, Uri Avnery, and many others – who had agreed with Goldstone’s original report to accept his retraction too?

Benji Netanyahu has asked the UN to “cancel” the report based on Goldstone’s article. The American Jewish Comitte said Goldstone should ask the United Nations to “revise and update” the report. The Israel-Firster, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), a member of House Foreign Affair Committee has asked the UNHRC to “retract” the report which it had adopted on Friday as result of 25 member-states of the council voted for the resolution, six voted against and 11 abstained. The “draft resolution … is therefore adopted,” UNHRC President Alex Van Meeuwen said in Geneva.

Interestingly, these Zionist idiots ignore the fact that Goldstone Report was not written by Richard Goldstone alone – but with the findings of a panel of three other members – Christine Chinkin, a Professor at London School of Economics, Hina Jilani, a Human Right advocate from Pakistan and former Colonel Desmond Travers of Irish Armed Force.

Robert Bernstein, the Jewish founder of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is very upset by United Nations’ special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestine, Richard A. Falk’s reporting on Israel’s gross violations of human rights. He split from HRW last year and has started a new organization ‘Advancing Human Rights’. And how he intends to ‘advance’ over HRW – to begin with, he has appointed Yelena Bonner wife of Russian Jew Andrei Sakhrov and Islamophobe and Israel-Firster, Irwin Cotler, a former Canadian minister of justice as board members. In his Op-Ed in the NYT, Bernstein had charged HRW with disproportionate criticism of Israel. That shows whom AHR is going to target in the future.

Goldstone sucummbed to Jewish Lobby pressure | Rehmat's World