Awesome! Pakistani Actress 'Throws it Back on Mullah's Face' on Pakistan Television!


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Pakistani Celebrity Contradicts Mullah who is Accusing Her of Immoral Conduct on an Indian Reality TV Program...

I have never witnessed anything like on Islamic Television before!

This woman Serves Up a 'Brilliant, Ethical & Heroic SPRAY' with a Mullah questioning her what is known as immoral activities on a Reality TV Show! You really need to watch this!

Here are just a few of her Quotes to the Mullah:

1. "What are the Politicians doing? Bribery, Robbery, Theft and Killing in the name of Islam!"

2. "There are Clerics who rape the children they teach in their Mosques, and so much more!"

It's likely you have to click the pause option a few times to read the subtitles, nonetheless its well worth the while!

Females liberties are obviously changing favorably throughout Pakistan!

PS - 621,421 You Tube Hits so far and 5,411 likes and only 62 dislikes! In my opinion the public are usually the ideal judge as to Who they believe on this 1 Mr. Mullah!