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Turkish Ambassador in Washington and former Ambassador in Tel Aviv (2007-2009). Namik Tan, was a guest speaker at a dinner meeting of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council (a neocon think tank) in Century City’s Intercontinental Hotel on February 16, 2011.

As expected, Namik Tan was confronted by several paranoid Zionist questioners, fed on Israeli lies. His responses were sort of educating the brainwashed Americans at large by the country’s Jewish controlled mainstream media.

In response to Turkish support for Iran’s nuclear program, Tan said: “Former IAEA director general Mohamed ElBaradei asked for Turkey’s assistance to persuade Iran to come to the negotiating table. Once Ankara was assured by Washington that it was in compliance with this request, Turkey began exchanging messages with the Iranians. We went to Iran and don’t forget, it was the Persians who invented the game of chess – it took two 18-hour days to get their cooperation. We don’t want Iranian nuclear weapons in our neighborhood. Take a moment to imagine our neighborhood – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, the Caucasus. We’re in the center of complex problems”. Turkish President Abdullah Gul during his rcent visit to Tehran had supported Iranian civilian nuclear program. Commenting on that statement, Tan said: “Iran has the right to develop peaceful nuclear energy. Any country has the full right to have nuclear energy, but not to develop nuclear weapons. We are not siding with Iran – we are side-by-side with Iran”.

On Turkey-Israel relations, Tan said: “Israel is our friend, this matters profoundly. There have been good relationships between Turks and Jews for 517 years – 120,000 Jews live in Turkey. We were the second nation after the US to recognize the state of Israel”. In fact USSR was in the second place. Turkey was second Muslim-majority country to bless the European Jewish occupation of 56% of Arab Palestine, Iran being the first Muslim country to do that.

Tan, without mentioning Israeli Commando attack on Turkish ship carrying aid to Gaza on May 31, 2010 – and murdering nine Turkish aid workers in cool-blood – said:”Our Israeli friends made a mistake. I’m pretty sure they’ll realize this. Just make an apology. In the early 1990s during a joint NATO exercise, the US accidentally fired two missiles onto a Turkish frigate resulting in 10 Turkish deaths. The US apologized. The alternative is they’ll lose, we’ll lose and the US will lose.”

On US-Turkey relations, Tan said: “I am disappointed when Washington questions me about the shift in Turkey’s political axis. Turkey is not going anywhere”. Tan also stressed that Turkey being world’s 16th largest economy, has to look after it national interests by having friendly relations with ME countries.

And then came the usual ‘smoking gun’. “What about women’s rights in Turkey?” asked an idiot western feminists. “Our women are sophisticated and elegant. Working rights were established in Turkey before the US,” replied the ambassador.

Tan: ‘Iran has the right to develop peaceful nuclear energy’ | Rehmat calling