
Why are the books by Robin De Ruiter boycotted?
Friday, February 27, Friday, February 27, 2009

First and foremost, who is Robin de Ruiter?

Robin de Ruiter (1951 Enschede in the Netherlands born writer. The Horseman is largely grown up in Spain.) In Spain, he studied theology, history and Spanish in 1974 and earned his title. As a writer he began his career as a freelance writer for various Spanish-language magazines. His writing / working was that of politics and religion.

Later would be more towards the writer of books, there is always a lot of research, particularly in Latin America is known to be defined by their exceptional ability. He was very famous for the book, The hidden power behind the Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as insight into the world of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Most of De Ruiter's books sold well and were bestsellers. Several books published in more than 40 countries. One of the best of his was the book, George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda - the hidden power behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which he in 2005, the Frontier Award was given. In the book appeared in the Netherlands through a publisher that he had established himself after he could find no publisher wanted to publish the book.

(Investigative journalism - awarded the FRONTIER AWARD 2005)

The boycott followed each other!

Robin de Ruiter was the first book about the attacks on September 11 in Germany published. Issues such as the secret CIA flights were already in the book stated. In the Netherlands, the book hushed by the press and many bookstores refuse to sell it.

Even his new book THE 13 satanic bloodlines is boycotted. This book, translated and released in more than forty countries, leads us along a trail hidden deep in the actual history of the world. This book includes more sensational publications about the planned New World Order. They first appeared in book form in 1989 to his publisher in Mexico. But in the Netherlands found it impossible to publish this book. Without exception gave reputable publishers know that the Netherlands was not yet ready for this book.

The same happened to him with the publication of his book, George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda - the hidden power behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This book debut in many international book fairs worldwide audience and a great success. Despite the worldwide success of this book, he was of Dutch publishers comments as' explosive 'and' too dangerous'. And that precisely in a country like the Netherlands!

But resistance creates power and in February 2005 he decided the book itself in the Netherlands to spend. In November, George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda won the annual Frontier Award in 2005 for the most talked-about edition and thorough investigation that preceded it. The price was before the full media issued in Amsterdam. Unlike in other countries, however, the book by the same collective media silence ... What's going on?

Because of the success we decided the 'forerunner' of the book George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda in their own management in the Netherlands to spend. The Dutch translation of The 13 Satanische bloodline is a new, updated edition of the original book. The new edition is with the greatest care.

Robin de Ruiter has book published.

George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda - the hidden power behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. PIC BELOW:

The writer is the international 'winning' book with a large number of remarkable facts, which a picture of the evil attacks of September 11, 2001 occurs, which is significantly different from the official version. Where others only ask questions and doubts had developed the first author for a different version of events. With high insider information and never previously published sources is demonstrated that the United States in the events of September 11 were involved. The so-called terrorists were suspected double agents. They only served to camouflage the real culprits and their assignment was to track the direction of Islam to explain. Who still does not know how the Washington world was ripe for the war against terrorism can not go to this book.

This book is intended to help so many people will remember them in the coming years, above the head is and why. The author in this book leaves nothing untouched and shows - on the basis of numerous facts - the shocking state of affairs behind the scenes of world politics.

ISBN 90-801623-3-7
Paperback: 230 pages
Price EURO 18.50

Also available in German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

The 13 Satanische bloodlines - pioneers of the Antichrist


This book is dangerous for several reasons. Unlike popular New age thrillers and novels introduces Robin de Ruiter us a deep hidden track in the actual history of the world. Few historians are aware of this. This rewrites the author of our world history from early Christianity to today. It is not so well with this earth. It is also not so well with the global relations between many countries. But what is the real reason?

Bestsellers conquer the world and led us astray for a bloodline us straight to the Antichrist performs. Robin de Ruiter reveals precisely this occult bloodline which dates back to the time of the Merovingers, the Sicambriërs, Roman Empire, the Greeks and then strain. From the ancestor of the tribe of "Dan" from the Old Testament to the current political leaders, Robin de Ruiter uncovers the ubiquitous power of a small elite, the Illuminati.

This book - published in more than 40 countries - is one of the most talked-about publications on the Antichrist and his evil organization, its goals, its procedures and its origin.

Robin de Ruiter requires many of its readers. The (h) recognition of the facts in The 13 Satanische bloodlines - The pioneers of Antichrist will not ever forget. Fortunately, there is a solution ...


ISBN: 90-801623-4-5
Price EURO 22.00
Paperback: 318 pages

Also available in German, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

The Yugoslavia Tribunal: The murdered innocence of Slobodan Milosevic

All the media around the world Slobodan Milošević sketches like "The Killer of the Balkans". If you believe the former president of Yugoslavia believe, then you do not book to read.

Slobodan Milošević would have poisoned himself in his cell on the heavily guarded prison in The Hague. His lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic said first that Milošević died no natural death. And there are enough facts proving that the suicide was not ...
The proof of the International Court in The Hague was very bad. It became increasingly clear that the indictment not even worth the paper upon which it was written. And Milosevic was about to call important witnesses to the aanklaagster could be difficult, especially given the fact that its main witnesses are guilty of misrepresentation. With fear and trembling, the 'court' this time closer to see.

The Russian General Leonid Iwaschov said: "Slobodan Milošević was the only man who could clear testimony to the role of the United States during the bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia in the nineties - fully and in detail. And that is exactly where he fought during his execution for war crimes and genocide. "

Milošević was perhaps silenced before the crimes of our rulers would painfully exposed to? The death of Milošević means that those bombing Yugoslavia, the actual perpetrators, once and for all go unpunished. They can never be prosecuted. "


Read the facts and find themselves ...

ISBN: 90-801623-5-3
Price EURO 16.90
Paperback: 122 pages.

Appear shortly in limited numbers. Also available in German and Italian

How can these books?

This international bestsellers are available through the bookstore or prepaid by Mayra Publications. Transfer the total amount of your order, quoting the ISBN numbers of your books, your name and address, account number in the name of Mayra Publications in Enschede. You receive your order within three days at home without postage.

Source: yayabla.nl
George W. Bush and the myth of al-Qaeda - the hidden power behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

The 13 Satanische bloodlines - pioneers of the Antichrist


The Yugoslavia Tribunal: The murdered innocence of Slobodan Milosevic

All the media around the world Slobodan Milošević sketches like "The Killer of the Balkans". If you believe the former president of Yugoslavia believe, then you do not book to read.


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