[Must Watch!] This is funny


New member
I was looking for something light and funny to post and I found this one. Hope you all get some giggles out of this one. I wonder if that dog is tired after it wakes up.


Lady of Light

Aw. The poor thing, lol. I feel so bad for him when he hit the wall. I've seen dogs (and cats) dreaming and moving their paws before, but NEVER like THIS!! LMAO! Poor guy. :)


New member
I know what you mean, Lady of Light, I've seen both species just twitching a little with paws, whiskers, and even sometimes their tails. This poor guy takes the cake. I sincerely hope he doesn't hit his head all the time after these dreams, (I know some are creatures of habit and like to sleep in the same spot) and I hope animals don't get headaches like we do, when we hit our heads.