Benjamin Fulford, August 19, 2013

Truth Vibrations

New member
Why the “just following orders” mentality allowed the fascists to take over the West

Canada, on the surface, seems to be the same as it always was, liberal, laid back and tolerant. However, despite having an open minded, free thinking population, it is clear the Stephen Harper government still in power has a fascist agenda and needs to be removed. It has been engaged in a stealth move to slowly, slowly impose a totalitarian agenda. The signs of this, and they are no doubt repeated in other Western countries, are easy to spot if you have been living outside their information matrix.

For those who wish to do their own fact checking there is a way to show the West is ruled by a secret totalitarian regime. Take a look at the ownership control of the Fortune 500 companies that dominate the economy. It can all be traced, as can the ownership of the Federal Reserve Board and the 12 largest banking corporations to four entities: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. The ownership by a few families (the usual suspects like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan etc.) of most economic activity of course includes ownership of the media, text-book publishing and educational institutions of import. This control matrix will be systematically dismantled over the coming months and years.