Benjamin Fulford, 10 December 2013

100th Monkey

New member
Behind Japan’s Prime Minister Abe and US Ambassador Kennedy’s freemason handshake
Posted by benjamin
December 10, 2013

Full article at link:

High level negotiations over starting the new financial system and restoring the Republic of the United States of America are proceeding smoothly but there are still a few cockroaches to deal with first.

A hint about how negotiations are progressing came out last week in the form of a Freemason handshake between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. Here is the picture as shown on the official web page of the office of the Prime Minister:

For reference, see here some pictures of freemason handshakes:

According to MI5 and books about Freemasonry, the particular handshake shown in the photo is likely to be something known as the Tubal-cain (two balled cane). The handshake has a multilayered meaning but in this case the message it seems to be conveying is...