
Truth feeder
by Tony Stubbs

Your physical body exists in the 3rd dimension - it is matter-based. The 4th dimension is the astral plane - it is emotion-based. Together these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these dimensions can the illusion of good and evil be maintained -and can You feel separated from Spirit and from each other. You've all became quite good at doing that. It's been a very successful game of separation, but it is time for it to end. So, this planet is in a state of ascension. It is now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension. As part of the ascension process, these dimensions will be 'rolled up' into the higher dimensions and will cease to exist.

The 5th through the 9th dimensions make up the Mid-Creation Realm.
The 5th dimension is the Lightbody dimension in which you are aware of yourself as a Master and a multidimensional being. In the 5th dimension, you are completely spiritually oriented. Many of You have came in from this plane to be the so-called Lightworkers.

The 6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of species' creation, including humankind. It is also where the Light languages are stored and is made up mostly of colour and tone.. It is the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and one of the places where you work during sleep. It can be difficult to get a bead on this because 1 you are not in a body unless you choose to create one. Men you are operating 6th-dimensionally, you are more of an alive thought. You create through your. consciousness, but you don't necessarily have a vehicle for that consciousness.

The 7th dimension is that of pure creativity, pure light, pure tone. pure geometry, and pure expression. It is a plane of infinite refinement.

The 8th dimension is of group mind or group soul and where you would touch base with the vaster part of who you are. It is characterized by loss of sense of the 'I'. When You travel multi-dimensionally, it is this plane where you have most trouble keeping Your consciouness together because you are pure 'we' operating with group goals. So, it may seem as though you have gone to sleep or, blanked out., (Ah-ha!)

The 9th dimension in the model that we use is the plane of the collective consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult to get a sense of 'I' because you are so vast that everything is 'you'. Imagine being the consciousness of a galaxy. Every life-form, every star, - planet, and group mind of every species in it is you. If you visit this dimension, it can be difficult to remain conscious.

The 10th through 12th dimensions make up the Upper Creation Realm.
The 10th dimension is the source of the Rays, home of what are called the Elohim. This is where Light is differentiated and is the source of plans of creation which are sent to the MidCreation levels. You can have a sense of 'I' at this level but it won't be what you are used to here.

The 11th dimension is that of pre-formed Light, the point before creation and a state of exquisite expectancy just like the moment before a sneeze or an orgasm. It is the realm of the being known as Metatron, and of Archangels and the Higher Akashic for this Source-system. There are planetary Akashic records and galactic Akashics as well as the Akashic for an entire Source-system. You are in one Source-system of many. So, we are giving you a description of one Source-system only - this one. If you go to another Source-system, what you will experience will be different. As an Archangel, my home base is the 11th dimension. We come to you as messengers, that is what 'Archangel' mans. It is one of my functions, I have many. I have an Elohim function which is not very verbal. We have many, many jobs.

The 12th dimension is the One Point where all consciousness knows itself to be utterly one with All That Is. There is no separation of any kind. If you tap into this level, you know yourself to be completely one with All That Is, with the creator force. If you tap in there, you will never be the same again because you cannot sustain the same degree of separation if you have experienced complete unity.

Spirit creates the illusion of separation up to the 7th dimension. At higher frequencies, distinctions become completely meaningless, and all is Spirit. A definite frequency band exists in all these levels which acts as a unifying medium, a common frequency. Just like the public channel on CB radio, except that you don't just talk on it, but you are part of it. If you match your consciousness to the frequency of this Unity Band, you experience complete unity with all that is. It is also known as the Christed Band and emanates from the Christed level. It throws off sub-harmonics into all the lower frequency planes. The energy in the Christed level is your energy. It is the level at which you existed as a Christed Being, above all separateness.

Source: Wholeness.com


New member
The 10 dimensions of reality:-

# The 0th dimension is the dot. You don't need any numbers to identify its position.

# The first dimension is the line. You need two dots to define a line. Any other dot on that line can be located on that line using one real number that will give the distance of the third dot to the first dot using the distance of your first two dots as the unit. So on a ruler your first two dots can be the 0 and the 1cm dot. Every other dot is at some cm length from the 0.

# the second dimension is the plane. You need two numbers to identify a point on a plane. Usually called the x and the y axis. On a plane you can find the distance between two points by drawing a line that does not go through your reference dot.

# space is the third dimension. You need three numbers to determine the distance of an object in space. These are usually called the x,y and z axes.

# space time is the fourth dimension: it requires four numbers to place a dot in space-time. 3 for the spacial position, and one for the time. The four dimensional world we live in, seen from the beginning of the universe to the end of the universe, is the actual world we live in.

# The 5th dimension is the first dimension in which the notion of possible worlds starts needing to be used. Imagine some possible world a little different from this one (maybe one where you did not read this blog). This possible world will give you a unit of similarity measurement with which to compare the distance of other possible worlds to the actual one.

# The 6th dimension will give you a plane of possible worlds. You can find out the similarity distance of two possible worlds from each other without having to go through the actual one. So with 6 dimensions it is possible to compare the distance of the world in which last Sunday I entered another café, with the world in which I made a huge groundbreaking invention when I was a child, without having to compare that to the actual world. We can also measure the distance of any of those to the possible world in which the earth was never created, for example. The 6 dimensions allow us to compare and position all the possible worlds that start with the same initial conditions (the big bang) as this one.

# The 7th dimension will give you access to the possible worlds that start with different initial conditions (big bang). A point in the 7th dimension consists of all the possible worlds that start with the same initial big bang and lead to all the possible endings that such an initial condition can lead to.

# The 8th dimensions gives us again a plane of such complete possible universe histories, which in the video they call infinity. We can there compare two such infinities without necessarily having to take ours into account.

# With the 9th dimension we can compare all the possible universes histories starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions.