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Willy Whitefeather was the visionary who inspired the award-winning animated short film "HOPE," directed by Catherine Margerin, and produced by Mary Mathaisell.

In "Vision Seed," images of Whitefeather himself are overlaid against the backdrop of "HOPE," the original short film, as the viewer is carried into the story with Whitefeather's own voice as narrator. What was once an fantastic journey told in spectacular imagery, and sound, has now been blessed with the added beauty of the oral tradition; a legacy which Whitefeather upholds.

Modern-day mythmaker, and storyteller for young and old alike, Whitefeather provides a vision carried from the ancients into modernity, of hope that human beings may one day move beyond just tolerance to an embrace of all differing views, peoples, and beliefs: An embrace that holds within it a joyous acceptance, and bliss that naturally compels humankind toward service, and the help of all creation.

Whitefeather's seed has germinated, sprouted, and branched out to people around the world, like a contemporary Kokopelli spreading seeds for future generations, Whitefeather's vision has also made it's way into the documentary film, "Dance With Destiny."

Filmmaker Bruce Weaver met Whitefeather while developing his documentary film about the future of humanity, as we currently sit dangerously close to the edge of possible extinction, environmental collapse, and careless distruction of our home; the Earth.

Willy Whitefeather is the copyright holder to "HOPE," and has provided director Bruce Weaver with permission to use the film "HOPE" both in his film "Dance With Destiny," in this one, ""VISION SEED."