
Greetings, This is Ashtar. One of these days soon there will be mass declaokings of our Ships, all over the World, simultaneously.

New developments recently have made this possible.

When this takes place, you will know arrests have taken place. We cannot
make the Galactic presence known on a worldwide scale until everyone is
safe from any threat of danger, including world leaders, news media, and
military officials.

Many in the news media are prepared with specials already crafted that
they will launch which will explain what mass decloakings means. When
Ted Kennedy passed, there were several video tributes ready to go. This
will be the case for mass decloakings.

It will not be a surprise for the news media. KOS has talked to news
media all over the world. Those news media who are penciled in for
removal, already know they are leaving.

Motherships, as you have already seen in China and Moscow film footage,
will decloak in over 120 countries all at once. This will happen in
different time zones, in day and at night. It will happen for millions
of people at once. There will be film footage shot in all of these
countries. This will go out over the internet as it is happening.

YouTube and Servers will be supported by our technology during this
time. Not only will there be Motherships in a large number of places,
but millions of smaller ships will fill the skies in a shock and awe
experience. ALL of these will have their lights on. Some will show in
their Higher Dimensional forms as Light Ships and some will show up as
metal discs. Some will show as a display of lights. There is an
elaborate plan in place for this.

Almost everyone who sees the mass decloakings, anywhere on Earth will be
completely filled with universal love. It will be so moving that no one
will miss the meaning. No one will be questioning if this is Our Family.
Children especially, will be interested in knowing what is going on.
They will help the older crowd assimilate the news. Everyone will
instinctually be aware that this is something they have waited for a
very long time

There will be a raising of energy frequency when this happens. When the
arrests happen, it will remove in one large action, a great deal of
negativity from Earth. All programs in place to intimidate with fear
will, in a blink of an eye, be wiped away. The change will be palpable.
Immediately, those prepared to take their places will be put into place.
They are waiting for a signal. The news reporting of mass decloakings
will speak of the event from a place of TRUTH.

They will also be commentating on recent arrests and explaining how the
decloakings effect everything. There is no part of this scenario that
will be a surprise to tv, radio and newspapers around the globe. There
will be a mass dissemination of Truth following mass declaokings.

This is what is meant when we say there is an incremental increase of
consciousness for everyone on Earth. This will be a half step increase,
a significant rise in intelligence as well as heart opening, together.
The heart mind will work more effectively at once. This allows each
person to fairly decide for themselves, through their own Guidance, what
is taking place, and how they feel about it.

The rigid religious types, of all religions, in all countries, will be
surprised at how easily they accept the new information. They will be
able to see how it fits into the story they now believe, an expanded
view of their story, an expanded view of what they believe.

There will be great relief from worry. This will happen as a result of
an increase in heart awareness. Egos will shrink and have less power
over the individual. This will quiet the mind chatter. The local mind
will reconnect with universal mind and memories of the Truth will pour

With the criminals removed from the public, with the news broadcasting
truth, there will be an almost overnight shift in the fear powered
senseless actions controlling the world at the moment of this
transmission. The old timeline is, in simple terms, GONE. Nothing can
change that and the result is about to be witnessed by all.

When the news media stop reporting lies about the need for war
conflicts, and the hearts and minds of all on Earth increase a half
step, the result is a swift end to war and a break out of World Peace.
The radio broadcasts of hate will be replaced by beautiful music and
people will be in the mood to sway to the music. Everything will
suddenly “make sense”.

All the bankers who have been running their bankrupt empires into the
ground will be removed, all the corrupt attorneys and law officials as
well as all corrupt doctors-gone, arrested and taken away. Stock
Brokerages in New York, London, and Japan, as well as those all over the
World, will see an end to the corruption as all of the deal makers who
are criminals will be arrested and gone. Stocks will be frozen as things
are worked out.

Decloakings will be massive and happen for a sustained amount of time.
Those awoken from sleep, due to bright lights in the sky, will not fear
they are dreaming. This is not something that will be mistaken for a
strange weather pattern.

In the American government, the government officials who are not telling
the truth, and stealing funds as well as manipulating the system for
their own gain, will be arrested and gone. There will only be a shadow
government as things are worked out. The increase in love and
understanding will have people celebrating the changes, instead of

There will be a striking and sudden lack of worry among all people
everywhere. The jobless, homeless, sick and hungry, will suddenly feel
good again. The almost instant remittance of fear will have a profound
effect on the Earth. Imagine a World suddenly with nothing to worry
about? The initial good cheer just after arrests and mass decloakings
will shortly change to endless questions from all, about what is next?

The answer for what is next, is the Announcement that we have been under
NESARA Law since October 1, 2008. There will be a great deal of
education placed over the news media of what that means, but it will
come directly form the Galactics, in every language, over the Earth, to
all people who receive tv, radio or newspapers. People will feel a need
to be at home and rest and absorb the news. There will be no urge to be
out and about. Not at first. It will be a lot to take in.

We of the Galactic Federation have been working on this with the other
Star Nations in this Universe to present it to you in the most
compassionate and loving way possible. We have worked a long time to
formulate a plan that is the most fair to all involved. There will be
much support in the changing times. No one will be left out. Be in joy
with us, as the changes are seconds away.

PEACE. Ashtar. Beth and Mark



ESHEBA FROM ASHTAR COMMAND SAYS: Heaven has decided officially that it will not be long before we fill your skies for the time is now truly at hand.

Public acknowledgement soon of other civilizations; other truths will emerge later; “open window” for ascension; changes to come; physical death of those who refuse light; Golden Age government; moderate temperatures; emotions, bodies in higher densities; relationship of soul, fetus


Saskatoon Native Artist Puts Historical 2012 Prophecies In Modern Context.

A Description Of A Galactic Federation of Light Mothership

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I found this Ashtar bulletin here: