
  1. Lady of Light

    30 Traits of Being an Empath

    I found the following quite interesting as I, am an Empath, as well as many other types of psychic. I felt the need to share this because the more people know about these things, the more we can open up to the real world. It can be QUITE difficult at times being empathic, but I wouldn't trade it...
  2. ianchris948

    "Organized Stalking" - How to recognize the Perpetrators hired to attack "Targeted Individuals"

    The Perpetrators Who would want this job? What is a Perpetrator? A Perpetrator is anyone who has been trained to harass, torture, maim, and kill a Target, either by direct means, or by covert means including, electronic, biological, or "accidental" means. Career perps make a good living...
  3. R

    Iranian VP: ‘Zionist control international drug trade’

    Speaking at a UN-sponsored conference commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Tehran – Iran’s first vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi, said that Zionists control international narcotics business which they use to destroy human societies across the...
  4. Denise

    It's Time To Take A Serious Look At David Wilcock

    For the rest of the article:
  5. Denise

    New Research Shows Diet Soft Drinks cause Stroke, Heart Attacks and Vascular Death

    Besides the fact that diet soda causes dehydration, weight gain, mineral depletion, diabetes and caffeine addiction, new research shows they're also responsible for an increased risk of vascular events such as, stroke heart attack vascular death The new study was conducted by, Hannah...
  6. Denise

    February 2012 Energy Forecast - Resolutions and Solar Balance

    by Lee Harris February 6, 2012 The theme of Trust will run through the month of February. As you build not only greater but new trust in yourself, the world and life itself, the past will rear it's head from time to time so that you can move forward once more. Many of you will revisit past...
  7. R

    Study: ‘More White teens on drugs than Blacks and Asians’

    The results of the 2010 National Survey on Drugs Use and Health (NSDUH) shows an alarming increase in use of drugs and alcohol among the American kids, 12-year-old or older. The survey was taken among 67,500. According to the survey, 22.6 million teenagers (8.9%) use illicit drugs which include...
  8. Denise

    Sun Gazing: Why I Stare At the Sun

    PLEASE NOTE: This sungazing information is for educational purposes only. We do not recommend sungazing to anyone. If you are considering sun gazing, please research this as much as possible. Sun Gazing: Why I Stare at the Sun Sun gazing. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Doctor’s warn you about how...
  9. Denise

    October 10, 2011 Message from Matthew

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When my mother was participating in a fall equinox global meditation and visualizing Earth radiant in golden-white Christed light, she heard, “Please record my words.” It is with joy that we share the following with...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Cluster with Dimensional Stargates captured on Vancouver video Jon Kelly Vancouver UFO Examiner August 29, 2011 A cluster of multi-colored UFO’s using dimensional gateways to enter and exit the earth’s atmosphere was captured on multiple cameras in the skies over Vancouver, BC on Saturday, August...
  11. R

    Study: Marijuana Not Linked With Long Term Cognitive Impairment

    Maia Szalavitz The idea that “marijuana makes you dumb” has long been embodied in the stereotype of the slow, stupid stoner, seen in numerous Hollywood movies and TV comedies and going unquestioned by much of American culture. But a new study says no: the researchers followed nearly 2,000 young...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Extraterrestrials: Next Enemy Says Former NASA Scientist

    Dr. Carol Rosin a former NASA scientist turned Disclosure Project witness shares very important information with us. Keep in mind this was back in 2001 before 9/11 back when it was only Oklahoma city and the '93 WTC bombing and they realized they were going to need something bigger... Dr...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Relentless Drive by Globalists to Kill the Constitution

    Kurt Nimmo July 5, 2011 In America, the main obstacle to complete domination by the bankster elite is the Constitution. Over the last few years, they have used their corporate media to attack constitutionalists and portray them as violent lunatics who threaten the security of...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In

    The Economic Collapse July 5, 2011 Is the United States “number one”?* Many Americans take deep pride in their nation and the truth is that the U.S. has a lot going for it.* The United States has the largest economy in the world.* The United States also has the most powerful military on the...
  15. R

    UN: ‘Iran leads anti-drug campaign’

    On June 26, 2011 – United Nations celebrated International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. In the UNODC World Drug Report 2011, Islamic Republic ranks first among all countries in shutting down drug routes into its territory. Tehran has spent more than $700 million to seal its...
  16. CASPER

    Mexico City street gangs mimic cartel violence

    MEXICO CITY – Two headless bodies are dumped on a street in suburban Mexico City along with a message sent by a mysterious group called "The Hand with Eyes." Days later, a severed head shows up in a car abandoned outside an elementary school in the same suburb. For drug lords, this sprawling...
  17. Unhypnotized

    The plot to keep you sick

    Hesh Goldstein Natural News March 8, 2011 What would you do if you learned there was a concerted effort to keep you sick? And what would you do if you learned that the way they could do that was by the food that you ate? Would that upset you? Well, be prepared. The best way for me to explain...
  18. R

    ‘The Case for God’ by Karen Armstrong

    “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself,” Holy Qur’an (“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” Bible) – Karen Armstrong’s motto. Karen Armstrong in his latest book The Case for God explores the relation (focusing especially...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Fitness guru Jack LaLanne dies at 96 -- American fitness guru Jack LaLanne died Sunday afternoon at his home in Morro Bay, California, according to his long-time agent, Rick Hersh. He was 96. The cause, said Hersh, was respiratory failure due to...
  20. funbunz29

    Philadelphia Police Announce Arrest in Stranglings Case

    Ron Todt AP PHILADELPHIA -- A man recently released from prison and believed to have been wandering the streets and staying in abandoned homes was arrested Monday night after being linked by DNA to the sexual assaults and strangling deaths of three women in a gritty, high-crime section of the...