
  1. R

    Israel: ‘Be a woman and shut-up’

    Today, the Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that four women were arrested yesterday for praying in the women’s section of the Wailing Wall. After keeping them under lock for half-a-day, the Jewish security police released them on the condition that they would not enter the area for praying for...
  2. R

    Weinstein: ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to Israel’

    Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned Israeli attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein for recently claiming that Islam’s third most sacred site, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds (East Jerusalem) is part of Israeli territory. He called on...
  3. R

    Russell Simmons irks Foxman, Again!

    The fourth 3-day Israeli Presidential Conference concluded yesterday in Jerusalem. It’s Shimon Peres’ showcase to make-believe that Zionist Jews do like to live in peace with Muslims and Christians in the Middle East. This year’s speakers included Israeli president Shimon Peres, hawkish Israeli...
  4. R

    Israelis warned not to visit Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia

    On March 22, Israeli’s National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued a travel warning to the Jewish citizens for the upcoming spring holidays of Passover, National Day and Lag Ba’Omer. “The holidays are liable to provide incentive for terrorists around the world to attack Israelis...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Railroad Found on Mars?

    On thе discovery announced bу Joseph Skipper – a virtual archaeologist whο “conducts excavations” οn οthеr planets, looking fοr anomalies іn images taken frοm satellites. Hе took advantage οf thе Internet resource Google Mars, whісh supplied thе photos fοr a variety οf devices thаt wеrе іn...
  6. R

    The ‘Wailing Wall’ is not Jewish

    American archaeologist and author, Professor Dr. Ernest L. Martin (1932-2002) had conducted archaeology work in East jerusalem. In his controversial book ‘The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot’, published in 1999 – Dr. Martin claimed that Muslim sacred places, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of Rock are...

    Archaeology's Tech Revolution Since Indiana Jones

    Let′s face it, Indiana Jones was a pretty lousy archaeologist. He destroyed his sites, used a bullwhip instead of a trowel and was more likely to kill his peers than co-author a paper with them. Regardless, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," which celebrates its 30th anniversary on June 12, did make...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

    Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The Bosnian Pyramids: Great Cover Up Taking Place!

    Click Here for the Original Article Introduction: The 'elites', Wikipedia and their censorship tools Whenever a truth is being revealed, the so called 'elites' and their pets attack the supporters with their strongest weapons: ridicule and disinformation. On special occasions, where things...
  10. CASPER

    11,500-Year-Old Remains of Cremated 3-Year-Old Discovered

    An archaeological dig in Alaska has uncovered the oldest human remains ever found in Arctic or Subarctic North America – the cremated skeleton of a 3-year-old. The chlid's burned bone fragments were found in a fire pit in the remains of an ancient house near the Tanana River in central Alaska...
  11. CASPER

    Earliest human remains in US Arctic reported

    WASHINGTON – Some 11,500 years ago one of America's earliest families laid the remains of a 3-year-old child to rest in their home in what is now Alaska. The discovery of that burial is shedding new light on the life and times of the early settlers who crossed from Asia to the New World...
  12. CASPER

    Thousands of Tombs in Saudi Desert Spotted From Space

    Little is known about the archaeology of Saudi Arabia, as the government has historically forbid aerial photographs of the landscape and religious sensitivities have made access tricky. But Google Earth is changing that. Satellite images available via the Web-based 3-D map program show that...
  13. CASPER

    Egypt's museums and monuments are deserted

    One of the world's great museums resembled a military camp on Thursday, with soldiers patrolling behind its wrought iron gates and armored vehicles parked nearby. Inside, workers with white coats and latex gloves delicately handled artifacts that were damaged in the chaos sweeping Egypt. The...
  14. CASPER

    Nefertiti's bust will stay in German capital: mayor

    Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit said Friday that Germany would not send the bust of an ancient Egyptian queen to modern-day Egypt because it was obtained nearly a century ago. Wowereit defended a German foundation's possession of Nefertiti's bust that has been in Berlin since 1913 after a dispute...
  15. CASPER

    Egypt displeased with treatment of obelisk in NYC

    An Egyptian archaeologist has chided New York City over the condition of Cleopatra's Needle, an ancient column in Central Park. Supreme Council of Antiquities secretary general Zahi Hawass (ZAH'-hee ha-WAS') wrote to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg complaining his city isn't taking care of the...
  16. CASPER

    Egypt Threatens Removal of Ancient Central Park Obelisk

    Since 1881, the obelisk known as Cleopatra's Needle has stood in New York's Central Park, but a letter from the secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities indicates that this may change if the monument is not taken better care of. Recently, Zahi Hawass, the aforementioned...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    Egyptian archaeologist admits pyramids contain UFO technology

    In a shock statement, head of the Cairo University Archeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen has told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza. On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    more prehistoric evidence of ET's found in Indian cave

    Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India February, 17 2010 Rajasthan Times A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area of India have made a startling discovery: Intricate prehistoric cave...
  19. CASPER

    Partial skeleton found in US Virgin Islands

    CHARLOTTE AMALIE, U.S. Virgin Islands – A partial skeleton has been discovered along an eroded beach in the U.S. Virgin Islands and sent to a lab for testing. Brooke Persons is an archaeologist with the U.S. islands' historic preservation office. She helped police recover the bones after heavy...
  20. Unhypnotized

    The Bosnian Pyramid Debate

    Bosnian pyramid Excavation of the site close to the central town of Visoko has been going on now for several years and Von Ward who was in the country this week confirmed he was giving his backing to the claim. The Harvard trained author said: "The Bosnian Valley of Pyramids is the most...