
  1. R

    Turkey: ‘Sleeping with the Devil in Syria’

    Yesterday, Russia accused United States for justifying terrorism by blocking a draft UN Security Council statement condemning the recent suicide bombing in Damascus, carried out by the anti-Assad rebels who’re trained, funded and supported by the “Friends of Israel” (the US, UK, France, Germany...
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    Ahmadinejad in New York: Zionists in panic

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadunejad along with other Iranian officials have settled down in New York’s Warwick Hotel, which is being sued by the ‘Holocaust survivors’. On Sunday, the New York Post compiled a basket filled with Jewish-themed goodies for Ahmadinejad. The basket also included a...
  3. R

    Niv Elis: ‘My grandfather is a Jewish terrorist’

    Niv Elis is a Breaking News Editor and blogger for the Israel daily Jerusalem Post. Niv’s grandfather, Feivel Eliash (born 1921), a Polish Jew, was among the group of Jewish terrorists who blew-up Jerusalem’s King David Hotel on July 22, 1946. The terrorist-bombing killed 92 Arab, British...
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    Mossad blasts 7 Israeli tourists in Bulgaria

    On Wednesday, a bomb exploded in the bus carrying Israeli tourists at the Sarafovo airport terminal of the Bulgarian city of Burgas. Bulgarian television has reported that seven Jewish tourists were killed and 30 more injured. As expected, Israeli prime minister Netanyahu blamed the Islamic...
  5. R

    Turkish Hitler shampoo ads angers Jewish groups

    Abraham Foxman, national directer Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has described a Turkish TV shamooo advertisement with archive footage of Adolf Hitler, as repulsive and an insult to the 140,000-strong Turkish Jewish community. On March 23, in a letter to Ankara’s ambassador in...
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    Rabbi: ‘Frankist Jews committed Holocaust’

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (born 1912), former president of Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and Chaief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple, died last month. In his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah‘, Plaut wrote that Frankist Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’...
  7. R

    Israel with Armenian genocide stuck in throat

    Yesterday, Israeli Knesset committee members faced their Nuremberg Trail. They’re discussing MK Zahava Gal-On’s call that Israel should recognize Armenian genocide to punish its former bed-mate Turkey. Knesset speaker, Reuven Rivlin (Likud) has put his moral Jewish weight behind the call by...
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    Israel Shamir lost in translation

    Some of my readers may remember how Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad’s speech in October 2005 was mistranslated by Israeli Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri). When properly translated the Ahmadinejad actually called for the removal of the oppressive regimes in Washington and Tel Aviv...
  9. R

    Election 2011: AKP poised to win big

    Turkey is in the grip of election frenzy these days for the country’s 17th general election scheduled on June 12, 2011. Early polls predict a landslide victory for the ruling AKP which is expected to grab more than 50% of the total vote cast. AKP and other political parties are campaining on...
  10. Unhypnotized

    David Icke's Newsletter - The Jet Fuel Of Tyranny ... Hypocrisy

    THE JET FUEL OF TYRANNY ... … HYPOCRISY The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday The wonder is that they don't choke on the words they speak, but then they are such seasoned liars I guess that the choking would come if they ever told the truth. I have been watching for weeks now as a...
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    Erdogan is a ‘radical Muslim’

    Turks are set to vote for the next general election in June 2011. The result of a poll released on January 16, 2011 – showed that AKP ruling party led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to win its third term with 46% votes. This is not a good news for the local pro-Western elites and...
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    Israeli covert terrorism against Islamic Republic

    On January 18, 2011 – Israeli columnist Aluf Benn, wrote in Ha’aretz that one thing which unites both Defense Minister Gen. Ehud (Brog) Barak (Labor Party) and Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is: “the Iranian nuclear program a major threat to Israel and support a military operation...
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    Shoah for Jews only!

    When Dr. Norman Finkelstein had quoted his mother in his famous book ‘The Holocaust Industry’, saying that Jews don’t have monopoly over Holocaust and that Palestinian people are currently going through their Holocaust – he was honored with several insulting titles including “a self-hating Jew’...
  14. CASPER

    Scientists find 'oldest ever' winery in Armenia

    Archaeologists said Tuesday they had found the world's oldest known winery in a cave in Armenia, indicating that humans were distilling grapes during the Copper Age, more than 6,000 years ago. "This is, so far, the oldest relatively complete wine production facility, with its press...
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    Houses of Christians in Istanbul marked with colored stickers

    Houses of Christians in Istanbul marked with colored stickers Sunday, August 30, 2009 Houses of Christians in several districts in Istanbul are marked with colored stickers. Besir Atalay, Minister of Home Affairs must now answer after a parliamentary investigation, according to Turkish...
  16. CASPER

    Black boxes from Iran's crashed plane recovered

    TEHRAN, Iran – Investigators have recovered the three black boxes belonging to a Russian-made jetliner that crashed in northwest Iran shortly after taking off from the capital, killing all 168 on board, authorities said Thursday. Remains of the dead — many badly burned and damaged — were...
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    Barack Obama sidesteps Armenian genocide row

    April 6th, 2009 in Breaking News, ObamaGate Barack Obama sidesteps Armenian genocide row on trip to Turkey - Times Online. Barack Obama found his diplomatic skills tested to the limit today when he was forced to address the Turkish slaughter of Armenians during the dying days of the Ottoman...
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    Global Research, March 7, 2009

    NATO Bases From the Balkans To the Chinese Border The Role of Robert F. Simmons, Jr. by Rick Rozoff Global Research, March 7, 2009 Stop NATO - 2009-03-04 March 4, 2009 stopnato : Messages ...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Funny Newspaper Headlines Funny newspaper headlines (collected by journalists) – Something Went Wrong In Jet Crash, Expert Says – Police Begin Campaign To Run Down Jaywalkers – Saftey Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted – Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin...