
  1. Denise

    Fourth-grade teacher lets president Obama have a piece of her mind

    This came into my e-mail today and I just thought I would share with everybody on here. It's a letter that a fourth-grade teacher apparently sent to the White House concerning president Obama. This woman may lose her job for this letter. Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 00:13:39 -0400 (EDT) A...
  2. R

    Sen. Rand Paul: ‘No war against Iran for Israel’

    Yesterday, US Senate freshman and son of Rep. Ron Paul – Senator Rand Paul, formally blocked a bill which would have brought Washington closer to war with Iran and Syria – pushed by Israel-Firster lawmakers in all three US political parties. Sen. Rand Paul represents the Tea Party in the Senate...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Chemtrails Explained

    Now this throws just a little light about them: by Dan Eden for viewzone The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude. Up there, almost 6 miles high...
  4. Denise

    Arcturians ~ Time to Release All The Pain in Your Heart ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

    We herald from the Star and the System of Light known as Arcturus. We hold keys to Time Gates that are being given issuance to open. These Time Gates herald situations of healing for all of humanity. The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves. As the Time Gates...
  5. Denise

    A message from Ashtar and Sananda about Ascension

    ASHTAR: 144,000 The Ashtar Command have predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will be given the opportunity to return to the Earth in the ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the ascension opportunity. The Keys of Enoch support this prediction by speaking of the...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Comet Elenin Won't Kill Us, Says NASA

    Here is what NASA (Never a straight answer) have got to say about Comet Elenin: You may have seen the scary headlines. You may have read those alarming emails. But do you believe it? Just in case, NASA has issued the facts about a comet called Elenin. And no, these aren't the "facts" doomsayers...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Automobile operates on exclusively h2o launched in Japan. Zero petrol, absolutely no battery to recharge

    Japanese company Genepax presents its eco-friendly car that runs on nothing but water. The car has an energy generator that extracts hydrogen from water that is poured into the car’s tank. The generator then releases electrons that produce electric power to run the car. The electric powered...
  8. Unhypnotized

    “Humanitarian Wars are Good for Business”…. Speculators Applaud

    War on Libya, Surge in the Price of Crude Oil Michel Chossudovsky Global Research Friday, March 18, 2011 The establishment of a no fly zone is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, supported by the Arab League and* the Organization for African Unity (OUA) have...
  9. R

    Erdogan is a ‘radical Muslim’

    Turks are set to vote for the next general election in June 2011. The result of a poll released on January 16, 2011 – showed that AKP ruling party led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to win its third term with 46% votes. This is not a good news for the local pro-Western elites and...
  10. buttman302

    This Day In History January 11

    This Day In History January 11 11th day of 2011 - 354 remaining Tuesday, January 11, 2011 GENTLE BEN DAY Texans are always ready to boast about their native sons. Well, on this date in 1952, another soon-to-be-famous Texan was born. Ben D. Crenshaw came into the world at Austin, Texas. As he...
  11. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History January 6

    6th day of 2011 - 359 remaining Thursday, January 6, 2011 SILENT COWBOY DAY Yippee-i-o-ki-ay! On this day in 1880, America’s greatest silent-film cowboy star, Tom Mix, was born! How did the former Texas Ranger and rodeo star become a movie star? Easy -- at least for Tom Mix. He just walked on...
  12. Truth Vibrations

    Rain causes California emergency Los Angeles -- Half a dozen southern California counties are under an emergency declaration Wednesday as another powerful storm from the Pacific pummels the region. The declaration from Gov. Arnold...
  13. Truth Vibrations

    'Freak' weather hits Europe travel London -- Lisa Suarez's voice breaks as she stands in the snow outside London's Heathrow airport, unable to get a flight home to Dallas, Texas. "It's very hard," she says. "All I want for Christmas is to hug my daughter."...
  14. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 19

    353rd day of 2010 - 12 remaining Sunday, December 19, 2010 SUSPENSION BRIDGE DAY In 1903, the Williamsburg Bridge which, incidentally, is located nowhere near Williamsburg, Virginia, was opened in New York City, where the East River provides a lot more water. (Actually there is a section of NYC...
  15. buttman302

    [Info!] This Day in History November 3

    This Day in History November 3 307th day of 2010 - 58 remaining Wednesday, November 3, 2010 HOW NOW DOW JONES DAY The Dow Jones industrial average surged 43.41 points on this day in 1982, marking the greatest single day gain in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. (By today’s standards...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Global Warming Alarmist Calls For Eco-Gulags To Re-Educate Climate Deniers

    Finnish philosopher says oppressive and brutal government should exert “tireless control of citizens” in shocking insight into threat of eco-fascism movement – Linkola openly calls for Nazi-style mass extermination policies to “kill defectives” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Healthcare – Get Ready to Fight Again

    Wake Up 1776 Monday, February 22, 2010 Dear fellow Americans – please fight this tooth and nail and don’t be distracted by what the media throws at us – Tiger Woods, Van Jones, or some other distraction.* Also keep fighting the good fights we are already engaged in – electing Debra Medina in...
  18. CASPER

    Japan leads the race for a hydrogen fuel-cell car

    Yokohama, Japan – Fill 'er up -- with hydrogen. It may still sound like science fiction to some. But Japan is taking a lead in making zero-emissions hydrogen-fueled cars a reality. It's part of the country's aspiration to cut its carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050; nearly a quarter of those...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Gerald Celente on RENSE 10/7 & 10/10 BRACE for IT!

    Rense interviews GERALD CELENTE 10/07/2009 mp3: Celente - People Should Brace For 'Greatest Depression' 2012 Forecast - Food Riots, Ghost Malls, Mob Rule, Terror By Bob Unruh WorldNetDaily Exclusive 10-10-9 A trends forecaster says...
  20. Unhypnotized

    We’re Headed for Hooverville?

    Ted Rall STATE JOURNAL-REGISTER October 14, 2009 Scene from a Hooverville during the Great Depression. When the economic collapse began a year ago, many Americans took comfort in the historical parallels with the Great Depression. As it had in 1929, the current crisis...