
  1. R

    Dutch PM: ‘Israel should be in Germany’

    On November 8, 2012, Dutch daily Telegraaf quoted former Dutch prime minister Dries Van Agt as saying that Jews should have been given a safe homeland in Germany instead of Palestine – as Palestinians had nothing to do with the Nazi Holocaust – which was committed by the Frankist Jews, according...
  2. R

    India buys Gandhi’s love letters to Jewish boyfriend

    Several pro-Israel Jewish media outlets (WSJ, JTA, etc.) has reported that government of India has bought an archive of Mahtama Gandhi papers and photos which belonged to his Jewish gay boyfriend, Dr. Hermann Kallenbach (d. 1945). The archive was scheduled to be auctioned on Tuesday at...
  3. R

    Turkish Hitler shampoo ads angers Jewish groups

    Abraham Foxman, national directer Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has described a Turkish TV shamooo advertisement with archive footage of Adolf Hitler, as repulsive and an insult to the 140,000-strong Turkish Jewish community. On March 23, in a letter to Ankara’s ambassador in...
  4. Denise

    Ben Fulford ~ Controlled Implosion of Fed Reserve and ECB ~ February 13, 2012

    Posted on February 13, 2012 This update from Ben indicates that all is proceeding to remove the cabal heads, and to bring in a new financial system. He also discusses the evidence for the 3-11-11...
  5. R

    Israel to honor Gandhi to grab more land

    Israeli Hebrew daily Ma’ariv recently reported that Jerusalem Councilman Meir Margalit, has proposed that municipality should set up a statue of Mahtama Gandhi and a mediation center in an area between Jabal Al-Mukaber and Jewish neighborhood of Armon HaNetsiv “to illustrate how to solve the...
  6. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock Responds to Fulfords Latest Blog Post

    David Wilcock Responds to Fulfords Latest Blog Post In Response To: Ben Fulford, blurb: “Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope” (hobie) Monday, 18-Apr-2011 Comment by dwilcock on...
  7. R

    Gandhi’s secret love for Jews

    Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was against World Zionist movement’s agenda of the partition of Palestine. He had advised the Eurpean Jewry to stay in its western homeland and fight Nazis with non-violent mass protests. He did not want the Palestinians to be punished for the crimes of the...

    Gene therapy raises hope for a future AIDS cure

    In a bold new approach ultimately aimed at trying to cure AIDS, scientists used genetic engineering in six patients to develop blood cells that are resistant to HIV, the virus that causes the disease. It's far too early to know if this scientific first will prove to be a cure, or even a new...

    Astronauts board shuttle Discovery for last flight

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA's most traveled space shuttle, Discovery, was fueled Thursday for its final voyage after nearly three decades of service. The six astronauts for the space station delivery mission headed to the launch pad in early afternoon, waving and smiling to the massive...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Tales of a Reluctant Messiah

    Tales of a Reluctant Messiah (pdf) (aka Illusions) A very spiritually enlightening stories. About 72 pages, big type A recommend read!
  11. Unhypnotized

    Noam Chomsky: No Evidence that Al-Qaeda Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

    Washington’s Blog Nov 6, 2010 Leading liberal intellectual Noam Chomsky just told Press TV: “The explicit and declared motive of the [Afghanistan] war was to compel the Taliban to turn over to the United States, the people who they accused of having been involved in World Trade Center and...
  12. CASPER

    NASA Postpones Shuttle Discovery Launch to Nov. 30 for Repairs

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – A fuel leak and crack on the space shuttle Discovery's huge external tank has forced NASA to call off any attempts to launch before Nov. 30 – the latest in a series of delays for the spacecraft's final voyage. NASA discovered the crack during an inspection after finding a...
  13. CASPER

    Discovery launch delayed until end November due to leak

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AFP) – A hydrogen leak in the external fuel tank of the space shuttle Discovery forced NASA to delay its final mission to the International Space Station Friday for the fifth time. Mission managers said the next launch attempt will not take place until November 30 at...
  14. Unhypnotized

    How a computer program became classical music's hot, new composer

    Source: CSM How a computer program became classical music's hot, new composer 'Emily Howell' is a computer program that composes classical music by following rules of music its programmer taught it. By Matt Rocheleau, / Contributor posted...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics … and Graphs

    Watts Up With That? April 13, 2010 Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I got to thinking about how the information about temperatures is presented. Usually, we are shown a graph something like Fig. 1, which shows the change in the US temperatures over the last century. Figure 1. Change in the US...
  16. Unhypnotized

    The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide

    Watts Up With That? March 8, 2010 Guest post by David Archibald The greenhouse gasses keep the Earth 30° C warmer than it would otherwise be without them in the atmosphere, so instead of the average surface temperature being -15° C, it is 15° C. Carbon dioxide contributes 10% of the effect so...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Australiagate: Now NASA caught in trick over Aussie climate data

    John O’Sullivan CLIMATEGATE Thursday, February 11th, 2010 In this article we look at the findings of two independent climate researchers who analyse climatic data used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to show warming of two degrees per century for Australia without...
  18. Unhypnotized

    "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

    I have relied in the past on Dr Len Horowitz as a good source of information. But it did bother me when I found out that he allowed himself to be knighted by the Hospitallers, since it is one of those pesky secret societies that control the world. Now I have discovered an article by...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Baby, Young, Mature, Old Souls ... Michael Teachings

    BABY SOULS 6TH LEVEL: Ayatollah Khomeini YOUNG SOULS 3RD LEVEL: John Calvin, Ivan the Terrible 4TH LEVEL: Catherine the Great of Russia, Hector Berioz, St. Dominic, Handel, Chopin, Ronald Reagan 5TH LEVEL: 6TH LEVEL: Joan of Arc, Oliver Cromwell, King Charles I of England, Claudius...
  20. CASPER

    Space shuttle Atlantis lifts off on supply mission

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – With 100 Internet-savvy NASA fans cheering on the shuttle and churning out constant Twitter updates, Atlantis sailed smoothly into orbit Monday with six astronauts and a full load of spare parts for the International Space Station. The supply run should keep the space...