
  1. R

    Pastor: ‘Jesus is not returning to earth’

    Yesterday, I found an article written by a retired US Baptist minister Rev. Howard Bess, who lives in Palmer (Alska). In the article Bess challenges Christianity’s belief in the ’Advent‘ or the second-coming of Christ as a ‘Savior’. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which...
  2. R

    Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli Christians

    On Friday 14 September Pope Benedict XVI will land at the Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut. Following the welcome ceremony, he will travel to Basilica of St. Paul in Harissa. A Vatican statement says that the Pope will use his first visit to the country to promote co-existence by...
  3. R

    Marianne Williamson: ‘Israel is not a democracy’

    America’s internationally-known author, womens’ rights activist, Marianne Williamson, is a Zionist Jew and blind supporter of Israel. She considers the Islamic Republic of Iran to be non-democratic, oppressive and its government not ‘sane’. She said she has no problem with Ahmadinejad, because...
  4. R

    San Francisco’s MTA ad: ‘Support Israel. Defeat jihad’

    San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) has a policy against political ads on its buses, but not on this recent one put by Pamela Geller’s pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative group. The ad reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the...
  5. R

    Jews: ‘Stop Charles Barron joining US Congress’

    New York City Council member and Israel’s critic, Charles Barron, is predicted to beat his opponent Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries 42, in the June 26 Democratic primary that could send him to the US Congress representing district’s 20% pro-Israel Russian Jewish population. Pro-Israel Jewish groups...
  6. R

    A Pastor’s search for the historical Jesus

    The other day I came across an interesting article by Rev. Howard Bess, entitled Hiding the True Jesus in which he challenges Christian dogma about Jesus, Christianity and the Gospels. In my comments, I tried to explain that some of Rev. Howard Bess narratives of the life and Jesus’ message are...
  7. R

    Christian group blasts Israeli ambassador Oren

    The Kairos, an international Christian NGO group, with branches in 45 nations, has condemned Israeli ambassador in Washington, Michael Oren’s last month Op-Ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal (March 9, 2012). The WSJ is owned by the disgraced media-tycon Israel-Firster Rupert Murdoch...
  8. R

    Israel: ‘Death to Christian’ painted on churches

    On Sunday evening, Christians visiting the Baptist House church in central Jerusalem were greeted with anti-Christian graffiti painted in Hebrew on the outside wall. The graffiti, when translated in English, means “We will (Jesus) crucify you” and “Death to Christians” – and crude insults...
  9. R

    Did John the Baptist betrayed Jesus?

    Christian literature for the last 2000 have been blaming Hebrews (Pharisees) for conspiring against Jesus (Isa) and played a major role in his Crucification. However, recently, Zionist double agent Pope Benedict XVI, had exonerated Jews for the death of his Lord Christ on the Cross in his book...
  10. R

    Bible, Jesus and the Evildoers

    Kenneth G. Ramey has posted an interesting article at Salem-News, entitled Conduct Based on Belief, in which he exposes the Christian religious and political extremists for distorting Biblical quotes to support their claim of Jesus being prophesized in the Old Testament. First of all, the...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Water fluoridation is a civil rights violation say Atlanta civil rights leaders

    Neev M. Arnell Natural News May 8, 2011 On April 18, Atlanta civil rights leaders called for an end to Georgia’s mandatory water fluoridation practices April on the grounds that it negatively and disproportionately impacts the health of black families and the poor. Andrew Young, former U.N...
  12. R

    Gandhi’s secret love for Jews

    Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was against World Zionist movement’s agenda of the partition of Palestine. He had advised the Eurpean Jewry to stay in its western homeland and fight Nazis with non-violent mass protests. He did not want the Palestinians to be punished for the crimes of the...
  13. R

    Jesus’ name upsets Jewish Senators

    The Jewish Senator from Minnesota, Terri Bonoff (Democrat) has asked Republican Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch (a Catholic) to remove the words ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christianity’ from the opening session prayers. Terri Bonoff said that she feels “highly uncomfortable” when the word Jesus or...
  14. Unhypnotized

    (NEW) Lindsey Williams: NWO Plans 'EXPOSED' (2/22/2011)

    Alex welcomes to the show ordained Baptist minister Lindsey Williams. Lindsey will reveal on the Alex Jones Show today new groundbreaking information about the plans of the global elite. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain of the Alyeska Pipeline Company, Williams has...
  15. CASPER

    Florida's Scott takes businessman's ax to budget

    Many newly elected Republican governors have pledged to run their states like a business as they grapple with low revenues and multibillion-dollar budget gaps with little relief from a fragile U.S. economic recovery. But since they took office last month, few have gone as far in advancing...
  16. R

    No Left or Right: Just Islam

    The other day, I read Gilad Atzmon’s post on his blog, entitled Left and Islam. Both of us while posting at ‘Peacepalestine’ website, agreed on many things concerning the Middle East and Zionism. He also liked my interpretation of the true nature of Islam. I admire Gilad Atzmon for his honesty...
  17. R

    Jimmy Carter hit by $5 million Israeli lawsuit

    Former US President Jimmy Carter (2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner), who bribed ($1.5 billion annual USAID) the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at Camp David Accord (1979) to handover to the Zionist entity more than what the later could have achieved via military force – is now being hit by a five...
  18. Truth Vibrations

    Loughner's family: 'We are so very sorry'

    -- The parents of Jared Lee Loughner, suspected in the Tucson, Arizona, shootings that left six people dead and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded, said Tuesday they do not know why the incident occurred and that they are "very sorry" for the loss felt by victims' families. The...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Oil Continues Climb In Line With Lindsey Williams’ Prediction

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Wednesday, January 5, 2011 On December 16, told Alex Jones the price of crude oil will soon hit $15-200 per barrel and this would translate into gas prices in the range of $4-5 per gallon. Williams, an ordained Baptist minister who went to Alaska in 1971 as a...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    Bible untouched in church fire

    DECATUR, AL - An equipment failure is suspected in a church fire in Decatur but investigators are working to pinpoint the exact cause. Fire investigators said the fire at the Fairview Baptist Church appears to have started in a mechanical room on the third floor. Insurance agents spent the...